Does Roman Catholicism Teach The "Truth"?

by minimus 180 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    I enjoy going to church. I've been to many, including the Catholic Church. That does not, however define or control my personal relationship with God. I do not believe that a Pastor or Priest's relationship with God is in any way superior to my own. I think many put more emphasis on the "early church fathers" than they do on Jesus. I think traditions can detract from worship. In light of Matthew 23:10, I find it curious that anyone would call a religious leader Father. I also find absolutely no scriptural precedent for praying to Mary or "saints".

    That being said, I find it upbuilding to worship with other Christians. I don't need a church ,however, to worship God or pray. Whether I go to church or not, God is with me always. No church can give you salvation and no church can take it away. I don't think salvation depends on how much you know...having all the right answers according to whoever is interpreting scripture. I believe it depends on your relationship with God through Christ. Period. If you think that "The Truth" is a church or doctrine or knowledge, I think you are looking to man, not God.

    Jesus CLEARLY said that HE is "The Truth". I'm certainly not going to argue that point with Him.


  • hamsterbait

    The "PRIESTLY GARB" so happily condemned by the JWs is just the clothing worn by men doing the job of a priest in the middle ages.

    In those days if you were a Doctor, priest, nun (ie Nurse), Barber, or any other profession, you wore garments that ADVERTISED what your job is. A priest had to be approachable to deal with emergencies of the soul - immediate death from accident or disease - you could have spotted one immediately.

    Just like the Witlesses, where they still wear suits and ties where nobody else does, so priests still wear the ancient robes. I dont think Almighty God gives a flying fart what you wear when you pray or worship.

    Remember he had Eve running round in Eden, blood dripping between her legs every month.

    Why would the cloth we cover our bodies with to keep warm matter to HIM?


  • minimus

    HB, but we're not in the Middle Ages any longer. When folks where Middle ages attire, they look weird. And many men still where suits and ties, not just JWs.

  • StAnn

    Mouthy, I didn't see Agenda either. It probably wasn't on down here in the States. However, statistically, less than 1/2 of 1% of RC priests have been accused of sexual abuse, let alone convicted. That means over 99.5% have not been accused of wrongdoing. I believe the statistics for the Dubs is 1 1/2% of elders accused of sexual abuse.

    I'm certainly not excusing the priests nor the people who looked the other way. However, I know some really wonderful priests and I don't think it's fair to malign them all.

    Just like we all know some very sincere, devoted elders who are really trying to do their best~and they finally end up here on JWN!

    Mouthy, I'm sorry you've been hurt in the past by the various churches and Kingdom Halls you've attended and I will pray for you to have healing from the pain it has caused you. I guess I'm just lucky that I've had a few really great priests cross my path.

    St. Ann

  • hamsterbait

    M luv-

    The Suit and tie no longer advertises a profession. For years the Babble Students advocated Frock Coats as a sign of Spirituality along with not smiling often.

    What difference does it make if the clergy of a religion are dressing by the standards of the middle ages or those of the "I Love Lucy" show.


  • minimus

    I like Monk.

  • coffee_black

    Why does a priest need to advertise his profession by his clothes? Wouldn't everyone know he was a priest the second he started the Mass?


  • StAnn

    Minimus, remember that in the O.T., God set out a very specific standard of dress for the priests. The history of liturgical vestments goes back a long way. All items of liturgical dress have specific meanings, some to show the role of the person wearing the vestments, such as a deacon vs. a priest, and some to remind the priest of the various roles he is performing.

    There is a reason for it all, not that it matters to non-Catholics, and it's part of the history of our faith. We like it and don't want to change it just because it's not modern. I see no benefit in modern dress. And I really don't see why it should be a problem for anyone, since what a priest wears does not effect our salvation.

    St. Ann

  • StAnn

    Coffee Black - Not necessarily. A Deacon can do most of the Mass but not all of it and dresses differently than a priest. The Cardinals dress differently than parish priests. The Pope dresses differently from the Cardinals. Different roles have different vestments.

    Also, you can tell by the vestments what denomination someone belongs to. Catholic priests wear the "Roman Collar" whereas I've seen Lutheran pastors wear an entirely different collar. And Episcopal priests dress to the nines when they are "on duty". A Catholic parish priest has specific clothes he is supposed to wear when he isn't in the pulpit, so you can tell a Catholic priest anywhere.

    St. Ann

  • mouthy

    St. Ann

    I would suggest you Google Father Tom Doyle. He does not agree with your percentage

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