New York Times & UN/WTS

by biblexaminer 16 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • thewiz

    I would call this satire

    Not the level of Jonathan Swift.

    But point taken

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I begin by acknowledging and appaluding BE's innovation, thought and creativity and a display of satirical genius.

    However, I must admit, as a person who is HUNGRY for real substantial, documented information on WTBS issues, this spoof winds up irritating me in the grand scheme of things. I am in the middle of working with several different die-hard witnesses who are finally in the stages of questioning things, and I almost started copying the article until I noticed it was a hoax.

    I know its not BE's fault that some of us are on a "mission" 24/7 and get excited at every little piece of information, but, please.....Its already a roller-coaster ride in and out of the WTBS, no false alarms. Some of us are very hyper!

  • biblexaminer

    For those who missed the point. I was not printing satire, that is, for entertainment purposes.

    I was attempting to put the whole UN thing in context.

    There are those who are defending the WTS with it's UN connection. This little illustration was meant to help these ones see how stupid it is to defend the WTS.

    This "story" can help blinded eyes open.

    Does the UN require a "tree"... that is, does the UN require NGO affiliation for access to library material?

    Of course not. But this illutrates how foolish the WTS defense looks, when it's put in context.

  • thewiz


    It is satire. It's a farce that is taught to drive home a point.

    Just because it's satire does not negate the seriousnes of the point you are trying to make.

    Read Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal. He turns it into a complete joke how England should deal with the starving population problem by eating children.

    His story of Gulliver's Travels is a satire, I believe of the reaigning power structure of England over Ireland. It has been turned into a childrens story, but the point remains.

  • biblexaminer

    True... as long as the point is made that what the WTS is saying and her devotes' is hocus pocus...

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I agree with Reborn2002 on this point that with mistruth like these we are only playing into the hands of the JW's. All it does is justifies their thinking that everything we say is a bunch of lies and diminishes our creditability. I know that the UN scandal is big and it should be brought to the attention to all JW's that want the "Truth" but let us please stick to the facts on such an emotional and important issue.


  • biblexaminer

    Listen, if you can't tell right off what you were reading, then you don't have a hope of dealing with "Truth" and "the facts" cause' you wouldn't know it if you read it.

    BTW, when Jesus comes, tell him to stick with "the facts" and quit with all the illustration junk.

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