Captain rescued, pirates shot by snipers, begging the question...

by JimmyPage 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    Slimboyfat: "Isn't it a bit ironic, Americans calling anyone pirates? The biggest plunderers of resources at the point of a gun the world has ever known."

    Well said, Slimboyfat.

  • leavingwt

    We Americans may be the best pirates, but the Brits win the 'sexy' award.

    The story of Queen Elizabeth I sinking the Spanish Armada and taking the gold is the stuff of legends.

    Britain became an instant economic juggernaut, right?

  • quietlyleaving

    We Americans may be the best pirates, but the Brits win the 'sexy' award.

    The story of Queen Elizabeth I sinking the Spanish Armada and taking the gold is the stuff of legends.

    Britain became an instant economic juggernaut, right?

    we taught all your best tricks

  • undercover

    I won't excuse the USA of its wrongdoings in the past (and there are plenty of them - let's face it, every nation has skeletons in its closet) but this situation is where the power of the USA Navy can be for good, not just for the homeland but for its allies and all other countries that have shipping interests in the region.

    These pirates are nothing but criminals. The country is a lawless nation and the criminal types are taking over. These lawless men have turned to piracy on the high seas in order to fund their criminal organizations.

    Taking hostages for ransom is a criminal act. It has nothing to do with politics or raising awareness of some cause, it's about violence and stealing.

    I'm not one for any nation to boast of its military might or to exercise that might at the drop of an insult or threat, but when it's obvious that you've got a criminal element running rampant in these waters, it is of benefit to all to use that military might to sink every pirate ship spotted and send the pirates down with them. When these thugs see that the life expectancy of their new chosen profession is short lived, they'll give it up soon enough.

    Just like the pirates of the 1700s and 1800s, when the governments and their navies started to concentrate on ending the pirate scourge, it was no longer lucrative, or healthy, to remain a pirate, so that era of piracy eventually ended.

    Will innocents die? Quite possibly. But if force isn't shown, then these pirates will continue on with their attacks and they'll get bolder and more violent as time goes on. It's time to use superior firepower on pirate hunter ships and sink every pirate ship found with no quarter given.

  • quietlyleaving

    thats a nice moralizing story undercover

  • BurnTheShips

    I'm glad Obama called the ball, and that the SEALS executed their mission so flawlessly. A good call in my opinion.

    No what do we do about the Beltway pirates? How many trillions are they stealing from us for the ship of state? That's the bigger problem, by orders of magnitude.


  • Amazing


    "Isn't it a bit ironic, Americans calling anyone pirates? The biggest plunderers of resources at the point of a gun the world has ever known."

    What evidence or historical fact do you have to support this statement?

  • slimboyfat

    American interventions in foreign countries for over 60 years. Now China wants in on the action, and with natural resources diminishing worldwide there could be a lot of trouble ahead.

  • BurnTheShips

    This is off of a top milblog:

    The AP is reporting that President Obama gave the order to use military force to rescue the hostage, that is misleading.

    Standing orders and rules of engagement.


  • leavingwt
    American interventions

    Many of these are very noble. Let's take note of that.

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