by IslandWoman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    Somehow I keep hitting a nerve. Why is that? I'm nobody!

    Here is the again infamous post I made that Alanf seemed to think was some sort of attack on HS.

    You said: "Well, you have to admit it most DA letters are boring"

    I know your post was a spoof but I just wanted to say that many of us who chose DA did so over life and death matters; what we thought was life with God or death with the slime that led the Watchtower!!

    You make the mistake in thinking these questions are open for jovial jocular repartee, sorry they are not. You do not understand!!

    Have you left yet? If you have left tell us why, if you have not left please tell us why not. It is not a light matter is it?




    Master Member
    Posts: 680
    Since: Apr 13, 2001 Re: HillaryStep's Disassociation Topic Dec 12, 2001 21:48

    Island Women,
    Just relax for a moment. Click on the image just below your profile that shows threads that you have started. Read your own threads.

    You are well aware of the destructive pain that you caused others on this Board a few weeks ago but seemed to have learned little from the experience and now you want to start a scrap again. I have been very patient with you in the past, despite the fact that you publicly published portions of a private e mail that I sent to you last April, an unforgivable intrusion on my privacy.

    You have no justification for taking the high ground over any issue IW, given your track record. I would also put it to you that your concern with my affairs and those of my friends is a little on the obsessive side and I would respectfully suggest that you look to yourself.

    It seems to me that contentiousness and mischief are part of your life. Please do not make them part of mine.

    I will not respond to any further comments by you that deliberately try to inflame the Board to wars.



    I know I sounded hard on HS, but it was NOT AN ATTACK it was a call for sympathy! Not for me, but for all the little Raymond Franz's out there, the little brother or sister who has lost so much, who would like to be able to be heard but are not. That's all it was!

    I was just trying to say that some of us are hurting so bad, so bad.

    So bad that we cannot joke about it because we have lost so much, we may not have the name of Raymond Franz or Dunlap but we have lost just as much, EVERYTHING!

    The words from Hillary;

    "You have no justification for taking the high ground over any issue IW, given your track record."

    Prompted the topic, "How long has this been going on".

    Why? Because I am sick and tired of some xJWs feeling they are God's gift to Apostates! HS was vilified when he first posted here, he was put down badly yet he has found the "new light": Play the Game and You Will be Accepted!

    That's OK, we each should have the right not only to our opinion but our choice of friends. I would just like to have that right too!

    When the American Colonies rebelled against England and won their Revolution they were for some time anglophobic, they distrusted anything that smacked of the English Monarchy.

    I have left another Monarchy, the Watchtower monarchy, I too distrust anything and anyone who sounds or acts as they have.

    If my posts here are too inflamatory etc., then I request Simon to close my account because I will continue to speak my mind.

    What AlanF feels is attacks etc., is no more than free expression, yes, I do at times oppose the prevailing winds, excuse me!!!!

    On Randy's site there is a tape recording by Raymond Franz, on it he said that at times when speaking to some former JWs he feels as if he is back with the Governing Body. I too have felt that way, AlanF has proven that my "feelings" are not false ones!


  • SixofNine

    Fuck off.

  • IslandWoman


    Good to meet you, finally!

  • hillary_step


    Why? Because I am sick and tired of some xJWs feeling they are God's gift to Apostates! HS was vilified when he first posted here, he was put down badly yet he has found the "new light": Play the Game and You Will be Accepted!

    The only game that I need to play here is 'Spot The Troublemaker', and I think that I have won.

    Your embattled post is not an 'explanation' it is a 'continuation'.


    Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number of things, in order to avoid the calamity of being ignorant of everything. - Sydney Smith

  • Tina

    No,here it is AGAIN!
    Will you just knock it off with your trouble making already IW.
    You've got some real sick issues beyond the scope of this board.Get some help and get off Hillarys leg already. Disgusted w/ her nonsense,Tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • IslandWoman


    I am not "embattled", and neither is this thread a continuation.

    Can you see that you have become like the very ones who opposed you at the beginning?

    "Every opposing idea or post is an attack against the collective!", was their mantra.

    I simply disagreed!!! That is all! Would you rather have the Watchtower way here and have me Disfellowshipped because I did so!

    This is a discussion board, what does that mean?????


  • LB

    Merry Christmas IW. Things do get better.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • IslandWoman


    THANKS!!!!! Yes, things do get better!!!!

  • hillary_step


    This is a discussion board, what does that mean?????

    It means that it is a discussion board.

    It does not mean that it was designed as a vehicle with which to focus our own personal frustrations and disappointments and then lash out and hurt those who we perceive to be our enemies.

    I know I sounded hard on HS, but it was NOT AN ATTACK it was a call for sympathy! Not for me, but for all the little Raymond Franz's out there, the little brother or sister who has lost so much, who would like to be able to be heard but are not. That's all it was!
    IW, we must each take responsibility for the words we use. You mention that you are fighting for the cause of the little 'Ray Franz's' and 'Ed Dunlaps', looking for sympathy for them. Why then do you suppose that all you managed to do was to pitch brother against brother if that is ‘all it was’?. Do you think either one of these men that you mention would be enamored with the way you vilify those you perceive to be the unsympathetic? I have no doubt that they would get the same treatment you mete out to others whom you perceive to be guilty of some sort of 'elitism'.

    Read most of your threads and replies that you have posted to this Board. Then read them again very carefully. If you did not know yourself, how would you describe the person who wrote them?

    IW, you need the sort of help that this Board cannot give you. I have told you before, if you need to talk my mail-box is unlocked and I am a willing listener, but please stop this attempt at camouflaging your real intent. Your appeal to wide reason is not validated by your posts, the contents of which firmly have their sights continually trained in one direction.

    Now, I am giving you the opportunity of taking this conversation where it should be, in the private domain. If you do not choose to do this I will not respond to any more of your posts publicly.

    Best regards - HS

  • Prisca


    We are all hurting in one way or another, and I sympathise with you for the losses we have experienced. Leaving the WTS is not an easy thing to do, especially if we had family or close friends who were witnesses. Add to that life's little "surprises" and it's amazing that we aren't all fruitcakes as a result of it!

    No poster on this board is superior to another.

    Anyone who thinks he/she is is simply deluding him/herself.

    Stick around and share your experiences with us. What things have you learnt since leaving the WTS? How are you able to help those leaving now?

    Sometimes the internet makes it easy to be misunderstood. And to misunderstand others. We just have to learn to live with our differences.

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