What is Divorce like for a Baptised JW

by survived75 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • palmtree67

    Absolutely. Amen, brother.

  • survived75

    Thanks all of your comments are helpful. I have been out of the dubs for so many decades now it gives me a feel for what it may be like for someone I know going through this.

  • Morbidzbaby

    I've seen first hand the Witnesses advocate for a separation based on the law of absolute endangerment of spirituality. The Witnesses physically moved a friend's wife out of their home and set her up with a Witness roommate.

    Something similar happened in my case. My ex's family basically told me to leave...leave my ex, leave my children, leave PERIOD. They threatened me with legal action and threatened to report me as an unfit mother, made horrible accusations, and eventually forced me to do just what they wanted me to. I was alone and had no choice in the matter whatsoever. Couple their threats and accusations with false testimony from JW's in our congregation. And my ex would not listen to me, even though I was being absolutely truthful with him. They moved me across the country with nowhere to go and no money or job or prospects. They just threw me away. The ex gave me a couple hundred dollars and wished me the best of luck. He has learned the truth since I have been gone and realizes just how much of a shitty situation I was in. In my case, I do NOT want to be JW anymore. This just solidified it. So I am a spiritual danger to him, apparently. The elders tried to get me to sit down and talk before I left, but I could see no point whatsoever in doing so. I had been doing everything "right", but there was so much testimony against me that I knew I'd never stand.

    Divorce in JW is horrible...but those who can accomplish it are the lucky ones. The unlucky are trapped in stagnant marriages, their only way out is death or infidelity.

  • longlineryder

    Well, I went through a separation and divorce in the later 1990s.... while my marriage was melting down.... (she was having an affair...v or should I say.... affairrs) I received all sorts of counsel about how I should find it in my heart to forgive, Jehovah is a forgiver, we only have the promise of everlasting life because of his underseved kindness etc....

    My biggest mistake was listening..... why does the Bible allow adultery as a reason to divorce?...... What NOT ONE of them said to me was words to this effect....... can you imagine your wife sucking some other guys cock and him shooting his load into her mouth?..... now, can you imagine ever kissing her mouth again?.....

    Well, attempting to make our marriage work after her first (admitted to) affair (I found out later that there were others)...... cost me my house, my retirement plan and about $150,000 more than I had.... It gave her the time she needed to get the legal things in order to take ME to the cleaners..... that is my experience with elders and counsel about divorce.....

    You eye should not feel sorry in circumstances like this...... even if there were good times at one time.... there won't be (with him/her) in the future if adultery is involved.....

  • SPAZnik

    Yes, it's possible they didn't discourage him from leaving an "unbeliever".

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