Will There Be a Holy War in the US/UK?

by cameo-d 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cameo-d

    Do you imagine that this could ever happen?

  • SixofNine

    Maybe. If America or the UK ever get some holy people.

  • cameo-d

    Doesn't the WT religion teach that jehover is going to kill off all people who do not belong to the WT religion?

    Should all of us non-members be taking this as a threat? Are these not words of hate and intolerance?

    How do you think WT intends for jehover to accomplish this? I am sure god needs a little help to get this going.

    Do you think WT is in league with "other agents" to bring this about?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    If America or the UK ever get some holy people

    Holy rim shot!

  • quietlyleaving

    nope can't imagine it at all. Everything quiet so far. Just a very distant muted sound of helicopters this morning. It is bright and sunny and this is a nice time of year for visitors

  • cameo-d


  • jgnat

    Karen Armstrong has written a fascinating book called,

    The Battle for God

    She makes a convincing argument that society goes through cycles of liberalization, progress, and reaction. Religious reactionaries trying to hang on to a romanticized past become most desperate after they have lost. I think that we are about to enter a new era of liberalization. If so, any reactionary "holy war" stupidity that we see are the last gasps of a lost dogma. That would include any religious reactionaries, IMO, including Fundamental Islam and the extreme Christian Right (Can we spell Waco anyone?).

    So I think the majority, and that would include our political leaders, won't enter religious wars. That doesn't mean there aren't pockets of stupidity that may use extreme forms of protest such as bombings, yadda.

  • dinah

    The South would be prepared. We still have our guns. *ducks*

  • cameo-d

    Religious websites certainly seem to be getting more aggressive......violent imagery suggesting war and weaponry tend to over power any message of "love one another".

  • mkr32208

    When people get shot they get holes so aren't all wars holy?


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