"mass exodus coming up in August 2009".

by hubert 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hubert

    This was written in the topic...."Blood lawsuit goes forward against the Org. Conference call Sat. March 28". and the thread was written by "The Research lady".

    I feel that this needs to have it's own thread, and I think that since "The Research Lady" is a new poster, she may not realize the importance of such a statement.

    So, I decided to start a new thread on this subject, in the hope that it gets more responses, and won't be lost in a thread of a different subject, such as the title of the original thread which is "Blood law suit goes forward......... ".

    I hope this is okay to do, as I am not trying to hijack a thread, but only trying to bring out an important part of it for whoever has more information on it, to be able to find the thread much easier.


  • cameo-d

    So what is this "mass exodus"?

    what happens in Aygust?

    Did I miss something?

  • hubert

    Cameo-D. look in the thread called "Blood lawsuit goes forward...." by The Research lady.

    I justt bttt'd it, so it should be close to this thread.


  • abitbothered

    I too checked that thread and don't see any details. Can you just elaborate on what the mass exodus of August 2009 means?

  • cameo-d

    Did you just use this thread title as a deceptive means to get attention?

    Cameo-D. look in the thread called "Blood lawsuit goes forward...." by The Research lady.

    I do not read threads written by "The Research Lady". Those threads seem to promote 'sensationalism' and the posts are for the purpose of trying to recruit exJWs into another cult.

  • wobble

    Let me transport you in my Mothers Time Machine forward to September 2009.

    (My Mother must have had a time machine,she oftenthreatened to knock me into next week)

    So here we are in September 2009,no mass exodus from the WT has occured, strange.



  • hubert

    This next paragraph is from the post called...."Blood lawsuit goes forward....." and was posted by "The Research Lady".

    Also on the call will be Richard Rawe, a former Jehovah's Witness who has so much information to share with us on what he knows about the real truth behind the WAtchtower organization. Richard is a prolific collector of Watchtower publications, including some very rare and nearly obscure publications. He has also collected literally tons of newspaper articles and press releases concerning the Witness movement. He will be sharing some of this with us. Also, we wil be talking more about the strategy for the mass exodus coming up in August 2009.

    Notice the last line in this paragraph?

    I didn't know the "The Research Lady was in fact Richard Rawe's wife, who, as some on here feel that he is just promoting another type of religious belief. Perhaps I should have read some of the research ladies other posts before posting this.

    For this, I apologize for not doing my homework (again).

    However, what I was concerned about is the statement she made in the "Blood lawsuit" thread about talking about the "mass exodus in August 2009". That's all I was concerned about.

    If there is really no truth to this statement, made by "The Research Lady", and quoted by me, then I sincerely apologize for starting this thread, and gettting everybodies drawers in a twist.

    However, if there is any truth in this statement, then I would like to see someone who listened to the conference call post something here to verify that.



  • carla

    Cameo, why do you think Six Screens is another cult? From what I see it is another anti jw site with related info and he has the calls that anyone can call into. I see they invited people to picket a kh at the memorial but this has been done by others for years in different locations. There are also photos of ex jw's picketing Bethel in the 70's. I know some people who think this site is a cult in itself would you agree with that?

  • rebel8

    Research Lady said on another thread that she is protesting in front of the kh on Memorial night to get them to join another religion. I asked her to clarify, just so I wouldn't go making a judgment w/o proof, and she confirmed it. Based on my personal experience and professional experience treating exiting jws, I question the ethics of religious recruitment of vulnerable victims......like selling meth to a crack addict to "cure" them.

    The Six Screens site is interesting but the conference calls are a bit hard [for me] to believe. The mass exodus--for about 1.5 seconds I considered dialing in to hear what they were claiming, but it just seemed too hard to believe, so I didn't bother.

    Afterwards I found no one mentioning on the forums what is so special about August 2009--and here is the 2nd thread about it and no one knows. I am glad hubert started a thread about it so we can get to the bottom of it.

    If there is something to this, mea culpa. I just don't think it's presented in a manner to appear credible. Credibility could be enhanced by completely erasing the religious motive and presenting facts only, not statements intended to elucidate an intense emotional reaction. The "exodus" thing is shorthand for, "BIG NEWS! JUSTICE WILL BE DONE IN A FEW MONTHS! YOU'LL BE VINDICATED! YOUR FAMILY WILL BE FREE! YOU'LL GET YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES BACK! BUY SHAM-WOW, ONLY $9.99!!!" It feels like manipulation (to me).

    If I'm wrong about any of this, I apologize in advance. It is possible I'm wrong--hopefully I am.

  • mouthy

    didn't know the "The Research Lady was in fact Richard Rawe's wife, who, as some on here feel that he is just promoting another type of religious belief. Perhaps I should have read some of the research ladies other posts before posting this.

    Hubert!!!! research Lady is NOT Richard Rawe wife..... Do research before you make a statement like that. Research Woman is a wonderful person in MY opinion I have met her & she is NOW free to do as she wishes ,I too believe that by Aug a lot of JWs will feel the "heat" & begin to see they are being 'roasted alive.

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