Today at the meeting we got a gift from Jehovah!

by Albert Einstein 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • passwordprotected

    Ok, so the CO is stating that what the Governing Body does comes directly from Jehovah.

    Let's take that to its natural conclusion.

    • Flip-flop on the 'generation' comes directly from Jehovah
    • Flip-flop on organ transplants comes directly from Jehovah
    • Flip-flop on blood fractions comes directly from Jehovah
    • Article after article, talk after talk about how important the Book Study Group arrangement was came directly from Jehovah
    • The sudden lack of importance of the Book Study Group arrangement came directly from Jehovah

    I was told that when the Governing Body speaks, it's really Jehovah speaking. Therefore, Jehovah changes his mind a lot, gets things wrong, misleads and is happy for people to die rather than take life-saving surgery.

    In reality, Jehovah has nothing to do with the Governing Body, but statements like this from the CO only go to further cement in a JW's mind that Jehovah is the Organisation as represented by the Governing Body.

  • LouBelle

    was there a card?

  • dogon

    Why go in the first place? Better yet don't go and have all your time free to do something constructive.

  • WTWizard

    They steal three evenings a week. Then they cut it down to two stolen evenings, and call the third evening that they are not stealing a "gift"? That is almost as much of a "gift" as singleness when it is a default condition--just about anything can be called a "gift(??)" from God.

  • dinah

    That's funny. Back in the day I can remember they always said the 5 meetings we had to attend every freaking week was a provision from Jehobo.

    Good point, Bizzy. Seems to me the slave just removed a gift. Then again, they can say anything, since they speak for The Big Guy and the masses just swoon.


  • marcilo

    Well, first I thought that this is absurd.

    You know what the bible says, we shall not forsake the gathering of ourselves- all the more so as we behold the day drawing near. . Since this one day was cancelled can't it be said that they must know something down there in Brooklyn? Has the near future been postponed? Or is the GB breaking a biblical advise? It wouldn't be the first time that they decide something "wrong".

    But when we think about the question, where are the most JW located, we see that the major part of them lives in poor countries, don't they?

    So, for them it really is a "gift" or kind of relief. They now only have to cover big distances twice a week for the meetings.

    That's what I think now of the "reason". As for the thing itself I miss my old group because we had loads of discussions which I think were THE reason.

  • MissingLink
    "Jehovah wants us to have a home family study or to go to service on this evening."

    Wow. That sure is generous of Jehoover to make it a multiple choice like that. He must be getting soft.

  • GromitSK

    Man this place is so funny lol I wish I'd found it years ago.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Welcome Gromit! What is your story?


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