Have any of you just handed the book COC to a jw friend or relative?

by cawshun 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    Maybe you could order the online PDF and print a chapter that's eye-catching like "1975: The Appropriate Time for God to Act' or "1914 and This Generation" and leave it around to catch their eye. Maybe they'll read a chapter and ask for more.

    I have no experience cold-dropping this book on somebody. I had a niece who left to marry a "worldly" guy and had been inactive, but my sister was constantly trying to get her back. She felt like her mom was right, but she just wasn't ready to go back yet. CoC cured her of that. Likewise I had an aunt who was fed up and her son (formerly JW) was now anti-JW. They hadn't gotten CoC yet. I suggested it and they both loved it.

    Unlike your kids, they were all out already.

  • civicsi00

    After my father-in-law started seriously questioning the blood doctrine, I ordered a copy of COC and gave it to him. He read it and it set him free.

    The hardest part is getting them to think for themselves. Nothing I, or my wife, ever said mattered..

    So what made him start to think for himself? A so-called "worldly" person. She was a nurse in a hospital, and she asked why JW's state they refuse blood transfusions but at the same time they accept blood fractions. She told him it was all the same in the end. That was a defining moment when he couldn't explain it himself.

    Since then, he has confronted several brothers, including elders, but he has not been D/F.

  • ninja

    I just thought .......maybe they don't read COC is because it sounds like a porn book.......best not abbreviate it

  • cawshun

    Another thing I love about this forum NINJA is the humor, one thing that probably would get all jw's to read it is if, they thought it was porn rather then apostate.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Many years ago I gave a copy of COC to a well educated locally prominent Elder. It disturbed him: he said he didn't realize that the attitude and problems he experienced locally went so high in the Org I then gave him In Search of Christian Freedom When I asked what he thought of it He told me that he never read it that he didn't want to question his trust in the leadership GB. He chose to be ignorant

  • mouthy

    I have given away so many I cant count them.Some came out after reading it. some burned it.

    ONE is still reading it ( EH Laura??????(HUG)Pray while you read it that you will realize the writer
    was telling the truth....to ease HIS conscience ,of all he was guilty of while serving a false prophet .

  • cawshun

    Thanks everyone, I would not be afraid to offer the book to many jw but, this is my family and I do fear them fearing me if I give it to them, like they view me as the ENEMY. On the other hand, if they would decided to read it and it would release them of the bond to the WT. they may be happy that I gave it to them. Maddening, for sure, which way path do I take????

  • OnTheWayOut

    I had one sent to my Mother-in-law anonymously. I never heard whether she read it. I bet she did.
    I had one sent to my mother anonymously. She mentioned it, said she didn't know what it meant on the cover that Ray was a "former member of the Governing Body." She said she would ask her elders about it, and later said they told her to just throw it away. She did.

  • cawshun

    WOW, OnTheWayOut, that your mother had to ask an elder about it, that really show's the control the WT has over her thinking for herself. I feel if I send it anonymously, I would not know how they would react, I would rather see the response to it, it it would be negative or positive. Maybe, being that I am not a jw, they would just look at it like its, ignorance on my part that I just don't understand the religion. If they take that approach, maybe they would set it aside but not throw it out. If they set it aside, maybe one day they would be tempted to pick it up and read some of it.

    My heart starts beating fast at just the thought that it could be a negative response.

  • drwtsn32
    once a person has an open mind, a book like CoC may be extrememly interesting. However, if their mind is still being controlled, the thought of looking at such a book would be revolting, frightening and scary. Handing a JW an 'apostate' book will trigger their cult personality, rather than their real (or pre-cult) personality.

    Couldn't have said it better myself.

    I really want to find that Hassan book, but it's not available on Amazon, ebay, or my local library.

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