Mennoite Article (about SHUNNING) now on

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  • slimboyfat

    The myopia it takes to write an article like this is frightening.

    There was a similar, perhaps even more blatantly hypocritical article about an old bishop of Constantinople (I think?) who was expelled over some theological dispute. The article made a big deal about how all he was doing was following his conscience and how he understood the Bible - like they accord any such dignity or freedom to their own members. Does anyone remember that article? I think it was from around about 2000, maybe a little earlier. I would like to look at that again.

    And then there was the article where they criticised the Adventists for their belief in "investigative judgement" and that Jesus came back invisibly in 1844. Did they never stop to think that their 1914 teaching is just as ridiculous?

  • civicsi00

    Hypocrites to the extreme. I hate it when they write articles like this and don't see how THEY THEMSELVES do the same thing!

  • civicsi00

    Before he died, Johann told his wife and children: “You must always read The Watchtower . It will help you to understand the Bible.”

    WTF? Seriously? Did Peter or Paul ever include a Watchtower magazine back when they wrote their letters to the various churches in the 1st century?

  • shadow

    Or was this article written by someone who disagreed with df policy and intended it to make some people wake up?

  • passwordprotected

    I remember reading, while a committed JW, about the Mennonites in the Year Book and I didn't bat an eyelid at the time...

  • slimboyfat
    Or was this article written by someone who disagreed with df policy and intended it to make some people wake up?

    It would be nice to think so, but Witnesses are certainly capable of mental compartmentalisation of the kind required for a person write an article like this without appreciating the irony of condemning a practice that your own religion also practices.

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