If You Could & Still Attended, What Suggestions Would You Give The Elders?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • villabolo


  • leavingwt

    Vice-President Cheney famously uttered my line to Senator Leahy.

  • minimus

    I'd say, I KNOW you "brothers". How can YOU be such hypocrites???

  • jamiebowers

    I would advise them to turn cases of child molestation and domestic violence over to the proper authorities and not try to handle things themselves.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I agree with jamiebowers.

    I would also suggest that they not try to handle things that they are clearly not trained to do. When dealing with people who suffer from depression and other mental health issues, serious marital problems, etc., suggest they go to a marriage counselor, therapist, or other qualified professional, instead of reading a few scriptures and telling them to go out in service more. It's not fair to the brothers and sisters or to themselves to do otherwise.

    By the way, clergy in other religions have been doing this for many years now, and have solved problems instead of making them worse by doing so.

  • stillajwexelder

    All you need is Love

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The only power that you think you have is nothing but constrained ignorance from people that lived thousands of years ago.

    Get some education and try joining modern humanity in the here and now.

    Its much more fruitful and fulling of an endeavor and humanity could use a helping hand..

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I would tell them I love them for the human beings they are.

    People in cults are so removed from the concept of being loved for who they are rather than what they do for the group. They can't get their head around unconditional love.

  • recovering

    I would tell them to read Ray Franzes books

  • yknot

    Remember the golden rule......

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