Prince Valiant ?

by Blithe Freshman 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    Picked up the comics off the coffee table this afternoon and "Prince Valient " caught my eye.

    Does anyone follow this comic strip?

    What's with this story line?

    Too long have Val....been far from Camelot.....

    Val's first business is to announce a wonderous envoy...

    ...While Nathan & Gawain introduce Nudder,Bup,& Ig to a group of leery Knights."Though beastly in appearance, these gallants offer us courageous service...

    Gawain notices that the weed men's attention has again wandered. He follows their fixed gazes and , rogue that he is, immediatly understands.

    They have sighted a flock of comely court attandants-obviously, such are fair game for bachelors deprived of female companionship..... Gawain fears there will be aggressive courting.

    I googled , this is america's great contribution to the legend! Really sad thought , but it does have me wanting a paper next week. I can't wait to see Nudder, bup, & Ig's aggressive courting. You need to see the pictures! LOL



  • Quandry

    Yes, I read Prince and on I have read this strip for many years. Don't know how long it has been a comic strip.

    It was a long drawn-out story line. The Prince and his men were in an ocean with lots of vegetation, and a sea monster-can't remember what it was-anyway, these beast-men attacked the prince and his men (they had something like snow shoes to walk on the slimy vegetation) Then, the sea monster got some of the beast-men, the bad ones, but the remaining beast guys decided to come along with the Prince. Unfortunately, the sea monster has followed their ship, so soon I guess it will be attacking the kingdom.

  • SacrificialLoon

    The person who does the Prince Valiant comic must be at least 150 by now.

  • Bubblie

    I love the comics. I have been familiar with Prince Valiant since I was too little to read. My mom would read it to me and my sister. Not sure what is going on now with the weed guys. Don't remember anything like this before happening but then there have been many adventures at sea. Many narrow escapes and all kinds of mishaps with his wife, kids, and buds.


  • Blithe Freshman
    Blithe Freshman

    Thank you Quandry for updating me on the plot. Those weed men jumped off the page at me & I just needed to know what was up.


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