Is it offensive to invite JW to birthday party?

by AuntBee 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AuntBee

    THe JW is long time best friend of my daughter, and she's having her 18th soon, surprise party. I'm assuming it's best to just not invite him. I don't want to offend him by inviting him, but i just want to be sure it won't hurt his feelings if i don't invite him. It's super sad however you slice it. :( He'll be totally missed by all his school friends, AND ME! I know this kind of stuff must be a bad memory to you guys. :(

    It might put the mother over the edge if we invited him. Yikes, she already accused them of fornicating here at our house!! ROFL!

  • journey-on

    Just say something like "I know your religion doesn't approve of celebrating birthdays, but I want you to know that this is more than a birthday. It's a milestone celebration and you are invited because you are an important friend to my daughter. So come...not to celebrate a birthday but to celebrate a milestone in her life."


    He`ll probably want to come..But..If he does and gets found out,there will be consequenses...His mom is a tipical JW nut case.......Theres always sex happening at Non-JW houses..LOL!!..Thats all people do,if they are not JW`s..LOL!!

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • megaflower

    Birthday celebrations are forbidden in JW land and it is a disfellowshiping offence. Perhaps, you could explain to the young man that you do enjoy his friendship but do not want to put him in a position that would jepodize his relationship with his family. In the JW world his famlily would have to shun him if he was found guilty of wrongdoing and got disfellowshiped. Maybe he could come over after the party and just spend some time with you guys or maybe even go somewhere in the evening like a movie.

  • Finally-Free
    Theres always sex happening at Non-JW houses..LOL!!..Thats all people do,if they are not JW`s..LOL!!

    Shit! Does that mean I'm still a JW?


  • undercover

    I would just say something to the effect of, "I know you don't celebrate birthdays, but we're having a party for such-and-such for her birthday. I just wanted to let you know that you're invited but I understand if you can't come. I just didn't want you to feel that we were purposely leaving you out. We'd love to have you if you want to come."

    If the JW mom has a problem with that, then she has problems more than being a JW. You can only bend over backwards so far. You've respected their belief by acknowledging that they may not be able to attend, they can respect you be being gracious about it.

  • AuntBee

    "Theres always sex happening at Non-JW houses..LOL!!..Thats all people do,if they are not JW`s..LOL!!"

    I'm sure my husband wishes that were true!! ha.

  • stapler99

    I gather that the JW you refer to is just a teenager, and reliant on his parents. He can't be viewed as being responsible for his beliefs. Even if he didn't attend, I'm sure he would be happy to receive an invitation, and not at all offended. I base this judgment on how I imagine that I myself would have felt in a similar circumstance.

  • Gill

    Apparantly yes!

    We invited my parents to my daughters birthday and they said they would not come and that we were all Big Donkeys! (Unlike them who are just big asses!)

    Anyway, birthdays are now laughing known as donkey days in our neck of the woods.

  • betterdaze

    AuntBee, I always appreciated being invited to "worldly" parties even if I couldn't or wouldn't participate due to my "Bible trained conscience."

    It was very kind to include me, while at the same time acknowledging my beliefs. I know it made people extremely uncomfortable, and I am to this day sorry for that.

    So I'd go ahead and invite the young Witness. He can attend in the spirit of friendship without singing "Happy Birthday" and eating the dreaded cake, or just politely decline and know he'll be missed.


    P.S.: Assure him in advance: No beheadings! Maybe an Awake! sanctioned pinata, but no beheadings.

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