HillaryStep's Disassociation Topic

by IslandWoman 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    You said: "Well, you have to admit it most DA letters are boring"

    I know your post was a spoof but I just wanted to say that many of us who chose DA did so over life and death matters; what we thought was life with God or death with the slime that led the Watchtower!!

    You make the mistake in thinking these questions are open for jovial jocular repartee, sorry they are not. You do not understand!!

    Have you left yet? If you have left tell us why, if you have not left please tell us why not. It is not a light matter is it?


  • HappyHeathen

    Island Woman,
    Get a sense of humor, okay? It's not good for someone to be soooooo serious all the time.

    I thought Hillary's letter was clever, appropos, and it made my day! Way to go, Hillary <high five>.


  • IslandWoman

    Hello HH,

    Humor is good, I was just trying to express the emotions of the many who left for reasons of conscience and paid the price.

    Many of us do not find joy or humor in the leaving, we feel sorrow and hurt.


  • LB

    IW I'm sorry that your association with the borg has left you so upset. I know I've felt that way for too long. For me I enjoy a good laugh at my stage. While indeed it is a serious matter and for some the difference between having family or not. But many people even find a way to laugh at death. I enjoyed the post.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Was it like this?
    Surf lapping on the beach. Moonlight filtering down. You looked into his eyes. Told him....and he knocked you back!


    Hey Island woman,I paid the price,but I still have to laugh.Hillarys post was funny,if you can find humour in it,maybe it won`t hurt as bad..MERRY CHRISTMAS...OUTLAW

  • hillary_step

    Island Women,

    Just relax for a moment. Click on the image just below your profile that shows threads that you have started. Read your own threads.

    You are well aware of the destructive pain that you caused others on this Board a few weeks ago but seemed to have learned little from the experience and now you want to start a scrap again. I have been very patient with you in the past, despite the fact that you publicly published portions of a private e mail that I sent to you last April, an unforgivable intrusion on my privacy.

    You have no justification for taking the high ground over any issue IW, given your track record. I would also put it to you that your concern with my affairs and those of my friends is a little on the obsessive side and I would respectfully suggest that you look to yourself.

    It seems to me that contentiousness and mischief are part of your life. Please do not make them part of mine.

    I will not respond to any further comments by you that deliberately try to inflame the Board to wars.


  • IslandWoman


    I lost my kids, my faith, my family, my husband; are you saying I should somehow find humor in this?

    "Nothin' left to lose"


  • Billygoat


    Not to sound cold, but you're experience isn't any different than anyone else's here. We've all lost loved ones and large sections of our lives as you have. Sometimes humor is just a good way to release the anguish we feel inside. If you want a good laugh/cry watch "Steel Magnolias" sometime. It's a total chick-flick, but you'll cry and laugh your ass off through the whole thing. As well as witness how one family deals with heartaches in Life. You'll enjoy it!


  • IslandWoman


    What I posted before was what I was told by a trusted friend. Please tell me why are you so defensive?

    Please what private e-mail did you send me?

    Hillary, I was simply responding to your post as someone who has disassociated myself and has paid a heavy price for it, as many have.

    Your almost angry response is a mystery to me.

    Please why are you so upset?


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