illustration of jesus march 15 tower

by booby 20 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • booby

    I almost think that "Life of Brian" proves it must have been a cross and not a stake. Just looks more accurate doesn"t it. Ain't google and You Tube great.

  • steve2

    This illustrates what Christendom has known for several centuries: Pictures obliterate words: Once you see something in pictorial form, you are swayed to seeing it that way even when reading the words. The Bible may say "Hands" but if you see it drawn as "wrists"that is your truth. The Catholics have done it for centuries, protestants for centuries and JWs are simply more recent purveyors of pictures obliterating ancient texts.

  • unclebruce

    So what was the traditional method of crucifiction, hands or wrists? Any Italians in the audience?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    "Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails ....."

    Damn. Missed again.

  • unclebruce

    Well done black sheep.

    spot on.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Thomas was confused at the time and did did know what he was talking about, as evidenced by the many illustrations in Watchtower periodicals from the art department of the Faithful and Dislexic Slut.

    More evidence of Thomas' disorientation can be seen in a following scripture, when he calls Jesus, “My Lord and my God!"

    Thomas is obviously someone who is not to be trusted.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Love the Legos!

    I wondered about the wrists since it said and pictures showed nail in the hands. Why does the scripture say "nails?" Shouldn't there only be one going through the hands?

  • moomanchu

    Don't they get around the hand wrist thing by saying "the Hebrew word for hands can include the wrist and forearms"?

    Must have been a bitch for the soldier trying to nail through 2 wrists accurately.

    Think of how long the nail must have been, 10 inches?

    I wonder if they bent any nails over ?

    At least in the Monty Python illustration the nails have big heads on them.

    WT pic is funnier then Monty Python pic.

  • moshe

    The Bible writers don't agree on the wording of the sign over Jesus' cross, so the accuracy of the described events of Jesus' death is not 100%.

  • betweenworlds

    Probably by now everyone has seen the picture a crucified heel bone. Just in case you haven't here's some more info: There was some wood still attached to the side of the bone which leads to some speculation as to where the feet were placed, possible to the sides as pictured in these illustrations That was a nasty looking huge nail. So horrible what humans are capable of doing to one another :( bw

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