Our JW Friend told by Elder "Satan is using a Pedophile to Break your Faith"

by flipper 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsetsonefree
    So I wanted to post this thread to show how easily ANY JW switches from being a real or authentic, supportive person to a mind controlled non-supportive person making fake excuses in support of the WT society views ! And all it took was one catch phrase " not believing in God " to set the P.O. elder into cult protection overdrive !

    Flipper, this about sums it up. And it speaks to why there is a problem with this religion.


  • parakeet

    The sister might try this tactic -- that the pedophile's being in a position of authority and giving advice from the podium is stumbling her. The dubs are big on stumbling. They're stumbling over one another all the time. It might turn the blame away from her and back on the pedophile, where it belongs.

    As to the pedophile himself, what can be done? The sister should be spreading the word to every parent in the KH -- Don't allow your children anywhere near this perv. Keep trying to get evidence that he is still molesting children -- hidden recorders, anything. Maybe the local police can suggest something.

    Unrelated to the dubs, about 10 years ago, there was a man in my town who would stand in his garage (doors open in every sense of the term) and flash at young girls riding their bikes past his house. Parents and police collaborated and came up with a plan. A very young looking woman in the neighborhood dressed like a kid and rode a bike back and forth in front this perv's house until he finally flashed one last time. The police arrested him, and he was imprisoned.

    Perhaps something similar could be arranged for the Jehovah-approved pervert in their midst.

  • yknot

    A) She needs to contact the proper authorities......

    B) She needs to get these ignorant men on tape(video with good audio).....refusing to remove the man and pishing her concerns over his touching minors. If possible hidden video of his giving talks, touching daughter and other minors while at the KH or in FS. If the man goes out in FS..... get video, especially if he isn't accompanied by an Elder or by an Elders who hasn't been informed of his pedo-ness. Such evidence goes a long way in 'JC protection' and in court.

    C) Print up the state provided info as Elsewhere suggested and then privately show them during FS asking "the friends" if they too have noticed him touching the minors and his daughter in 'grooming' fashion.

    D) Call the WT directly (not the toll-free #) and ask for legal. Be prepared to fax or email them immediately the info and related story of how the Eldums are mis-handling the situation...... Reminding them you don't want these men's fleshly loyalty to bring harm to the flock, lawsuits to the organiztion, and of course 'reproach' on Jehovah and HIS ORGANIZATION.

    E) If your friend isn't afraid of the consequences.......... an undercover sting by Dateline or such


    We had a pedo (DFd for adultery) attending our KH and only two elders (PO & sidekick) knew of his past. They chose not to share the information with the other Elders including the pedo's study conductor.

    The fact that her PO originally didn't know of his past makes me think other Elders probably don't either.

    Keep us posted please.....

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Another thing that has been recommended by some experts is to approach the pedophile herself and let him know that she is watching what he is doing. The elders should do the same. This lets the pedophile know he could get caught.

    I saw an interview with a pedophile once. He said he would try things to see what he could get away with. If no one said anything, he kept it up and went further.

  • WTWizard

    Satan is using pedophiles to break your faith? Why is Jehovah doing nothing about them to remove them?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    What reason is there to believe that Jehovah will create a clean Paradise Earth when he is unable to keep even the congregations of People For His Name clean?

  • undercover
    ...she has all the court records on this pedophile and she HAS gone to publishers in the congregation who have young children to warn them about this guy. But the elders hassle her over that saying she is spreading division.

    Cult alert! Cult alert! Someone who shares official, documented evidence about a child predator to other parents is hassled by group leaders because it's "speading divisions". They attack the source of the leak but do nothing about protecting the children.

    Anyone who experiences this kind of situation should stop and question the group they're involved with.

    And Nathan...

    What reason is there to believe that Jehovah will create a clean Paradise Earth when he is unable to keep even the congregations of People For His Name clean?

    That sums up everything about trusting in this organization in one concise sentence.

  • LouBelle

    Satan will always get the blame! Why isn't Jehovah helping the brother with his filty desires, why isn't he cleansing the congregation, especially that this brother seems to be behaving rather questionably.

    I feel sick - it's an OUTRAGE that this man be even allowed near children!

  • dinah
    They're stumbling over one another all the time.

    That made me laugh.

    But seriously, when a pedophile is released from prison they are released with a laundry list of "conditions". I would think patting young girls would violate some of those.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    There is an ex elder here in Florida who told me that a newly baptized JW confessed to him that he had KILLED A MAN...and was not caught for it. But because he was now a JW, the elder was told what is in the past is in the past and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Nor was this man's confession admissible in court because he had told a "spiritual advisor" about it and it was protected. Nor was this elder allowed to tell anyone about it. Bethel told him basically to shut the F up about it and not mention it again.

    So yeah...I do believe they are pushing this under the rug.

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