Jehovhah's Witnesses Once Again America's Fastest Growing Church

by David2002 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WuzLovesDubs

    No matter what their "growth" rate is, if they indeed are the CHOSEN ONES and the TRUTH and God is using THEM to get to the rest of the planet, their growth rate is pathetic and God really needs to rethink using only THEM to spread his word out there LOL! Not very effective means there Jehoover. Perhaps You need to rewrite their Bible? Or give them The Force so they can change peoples minds with a wave of their hand over the householder LOL

    A religion with 6 million people for a 2% increase needs to get 120,000 new members a year.

    A religion with 1 billion people for a 2% increase needs to get 20,000,000 new members a year... and who exactly is COUNTING those other religions? THEY arent.

  • passwordprotected

    @ WuzLovesDubs - great point.

    One of the recent WT study articles states that Jehovah is providing spiritual food in 400 languages.

    Is that all?

  • leavingwt

    Even if they are the fastest-growing religion in America, according to their theology, if Armageddon comes tomorrow, Jehovah will kill more than one billion Chinese.


  • passwordprotected

    It's my argument that Jehovah's Witnesses hate the Chinese and Pakistanis. Obviously, my tongue is in cheek...

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I too agree with slimboyfat, however....

    I think it is important to remember that they can be fastest growing, but what is it in relation to?

    JW's may be the fastest growing denomination, but the fasting growing religious group are those who decide to be unaffiliated with any reilgion.

  • Farkel

    Growth doesn't matter. When there is growth, especially large growth centered around their false prophecy dates for Armageddon, it is "proof" they are God's people.

    When their numbers drop, it is the "love of the greater number cooling off," so therefore they are God's people.

    Either way, they can say they are right.

    When there are wars, it is "proof" Armageddon is around the corner. When the wars stop and peace breaks out and people (again) talk about peace and security, it is "proof Armageddon is around the corner.

    Watchtower "proof" is only limited by their own imagination.


  • leavingwt
    Watchtower "proof" is only limited by their own imagination.

    That statement is a miracle of concision.


  • steve2
    The fact is that Jehovah's Witnesses are still growing reasonably well compared to other religious groups in the West. Get over it people.

    slimboyfat you bring an air of cool water to a fascinating topic.

    When there appear to be contradictory trends, it is not unusual for people on "both" sides of the issue to try to make sense of the contradictions - in that regard, there's nothing to get over.

    For years, there have been consistent indications that JWs in the West are stagnating and/or declining in numbers,coupled with the fact that numbers baptized remain relatively high. In addition, it has been well-explained on this thread that % increases or decreases are relative to existing numbers - something both sides need to remember.

    I remain puzzled that Moslems have not featured more prominently in the growth statistics in the USA because their growth rates in the west in recent years have been substantial - possibly due more to changes in immigrant patterns, but birth rates as well.

  • Leolaia

    JWs have always been increasing (at least as long as they have been known by that name), except for a few years after the 1975 debacle. What has changed through the years is the rate of increase -- whether growth is speeding up or slowing down. Some people may confuse a slowing down with a decrease, when it is not (although a slowing trend could precede a decrease). The change in rate is also orthogonal to what the NCCUSA is reporting. The former diachronically compares the rate of the present year with previous years, whereas the NCCUSA figures compare the rate of the present year with rates for other denominations for the present year. JWs are the fastest growing religion vis-a-vis other religions reporting their numbers to the NCCUSA. This data does not tell us how the performance for 2008 compares with previous years.

  • Leolaia

    It is also worth noting that different churches count their membership in different ways.

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