Anyone remember a story

by beksbks 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • satinka

    Hi Clarity,

    My mom left home a year after I left home at the age of 16. I suppose she figured if I could do it and survive, so could she! And anything is better than this! And her df'ing happened after she left her husband (my father) and got involved with a new exciting man where she worked! She wasn't allowed to divorce my dad since he still wanted her back. Crazy but true.

    So much of the abuse was enabled by the religious rules of "children, be obedient to your parents, for it is the first command with a promise" as well as "wives be submissive to your husbands." Such patriarchal rubbish!

    Love you, clarity! Take care!


  • clarity

    You too Satinka!


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