If you find old friends on Facebook & pm them shouldn't they write back?

by Bubblie 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Bubblie

    I found two fleshly brothers on there and wrote both of them. One of them I pioneered with years ago. I think he is df'd or just left. His younger brother wrote me and said you know I'm disfellowshipped don't you? I told him I couldn't care less about that and that I left the same year he did. I told him about this site and JWS. Hope to hear from them. Anyone else see someone they used to know on there?


  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    Yes I found a girl that went to my home congregation. Well, she actually found me and sent me a message. I had not been in contact with her for about five years, and last I knew she was on her way out. When she wrote me she said she was reinstated and doing well. Being that we were very close friends and grew up together I was going to gently inform her that I DA myself along with the reasons why. Unfortunately it was fairly apparent from my page that I am an "apostate" so she would not return my messages, even though they had nothing to do with dubs. Soon after that she took down her page. I hope she find her way out someday.

    A year or so after I left the Borg there was a local needs talk in another congregation that I had friends at, which encouraged them to take down any myspace/facebook pages. I don't know if that was just a local thing or something that was coming from FDS.

  • alanv

    I was looking through Friends United and to my surprise I found an old girlfriend who used to be a witness.

    We have been e-mailing each other for a couple of months purely as old friends and I was pleased to hear that she and her brother are now both out of the borg.

  • DJK

    I found old witnesses on facebook and myspace. The ex-witnesses, who left after I did, turned out to be the coldest and most unfriendly people I have ever met.

  • Bubblie

    Interesting the older one of the guys used to sing rap songs in my backsit of my car to entertain me on the ride home to their house. He didn't have a car. I was like their second mother. Used to feel really close to the older one. He left way before me. Oh well, guess he doesn't want to keep in touch. Such is life.


  • JimmyPage

    Let's see... how many from my old congregation do I have on facebook who are no longer dubs?... six!... I could have more... but some I'm none too crazy about... that's not looking too good for the borg is it?...

  • startingovernow

    Yes, I think they should at least acknowlege you. I've been ignored by a few, gotten a message back from some, and was friended by a couple. With JWs/ex-JWs so much just depends on where their mind is at these days. Sadly, when they don't get back to you there isn't a way to know.

  • skeeter1

    They sign up as my "friend", read my page, then "delete" me from their friend list. LOL.

    Ohers, p.m.'d me in Facebook, not signing on as a friend. But, they want to "talk" with me. LOL.

    I couldn't understand until a few days ago when someone pointed out that anyone can see my "friends" list, but no one can see my facebook p.m.'s. If you are caught on my Friends list, then you are associating with an apostate. So, the Dubs won't be my friend, but they will p.m. me.

    Those sneaky JWs are always finding new ways to get around the forced shunning and Internet policy.

  • LouBelle

    no I don't think one needs too - I don't. If I haven't seen or spoken to them in years and probably won't then I don't usually reply or confirm friendship.

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