Al Gore using Gobal Warming to get into your wallet, your freedom, your life

by read good books 19 Replies latest social current

  • Finally-Free

    I like crab people Shamus, especially when they're steamed and smothered with garlic butter.


  • leavingwt
  • Finally-Free

    We have far more important things to worry about! The Annunaki will return! Beware!


  • read good books
    read good books

    Okay all you sheep that want to line and pay your Carbon Taxes and have the Governenet come into your homes to inspect please line up and say bahahahahahahahahahhahh OOOBBBAAAMMMAAA OHGOOORRREEE

    IProfessor: Life-Giving Gas Carbon Dioxide Is Not A Pollutant

    Raymond Brusca
    The Daily Princetonian
    Tuesday, January 13, 2009

    Physics professor William Happer GS ’64 has some tough words for scientists who believe that carbon dioxide is causing global warming.

    “This is George Orwell. This is the ‘Germans are the master race. The Jews are the scum of the earth.’ It’s that kind of propaganda,” Happer, the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, said in an interview. “Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Every time you exhale, you exhale air that has 4 percent carbon dioxide. To say that that’s a pollutant just boggles my mind. What used to be science has turned into a cult.”

    Happer served as director of the Office of Energy Research in the U.S. Department of Energy under President George H.W. Bush and was subsequently fired by Vice President Al Gore, reportedly for his refusal to support Gore’s views on climate change. He asked last month to be added to a list of global warming dissenters in a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee report. The list includes more than 650 experts who challenge the belief that human activity is contributing to global warming.

    Though Happer has promulgated his skepticism in the past, he requested to be named a skeptic in light of the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, whose administration has, as Happer notes, “stated that carbon dioxide is a pollutant” and that humans are “poisoning the atmosphere.”


    Happer maintains that he doubts there is any strong anthropogenic influence on global temperature.

    “All the evidence I see is that the current warming of the climate is just like past warmings. In fact, it’s not as much as past warmings yet, and it probably has little to do with carbon dioxide, just like past warmings had little to do with carbon dioxide,” Happer explained.

    Happer is chair of the board of directors at the George C. Marshall Institute, a nonprofit conservative think tank known for its attempts to highlight uncertainties about causes of global warming. The institute was founded by former National Academy of Sciences president and prominent physicist Frederick Seitz GS ’34, who publicly expressed his skepticism of the claim that global warming is caused by human activity. Seitz passed away in March 2008.

    In 2007, the Institute reported $726,087 in annual operating expenses, $205,156 of which was spent on climate change issues, constituting the largest portion of its program expenses, according to its I-990 tax exemption form.

    In a statement sent to the Senate as part of his request, Happer explained his reasoning for challenging the climate change movement, citing his research and scientific knowledge.

    “I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect, for example, absorption and emission of visible and infrared radiation, and fluid flow,” he said in the statement. “Based on my experience, I am convinced that the current alarm over carbon dioxide is bahhahaahahahaha Gooooooorrrreeee bahahahahahah Gooooorrrreee ooopss I cut of the article sorry

  • BurnTheShips
    I fail to see how Gore is profiting from this.

    Generation Investment Management.

    It's Gore's. It's worth billions.

    It stands to make billions off of increased government intervention.

    Wake up.


  • beksbks

    My gosh what bastards!! They should take a page from the Haliburton book, who DID make millions from government intervention.

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  • read good books
    read good books

    So Haliburton was a bastard especially in Iraq and Big Brother's Al's Global warming Inc. plans to be bastards here coming into your homes and taxing everything that breathes, regulating your life and sucking what's left of the middle class dry . The two parties work for the same boss.

  • brinjen

    "Al's Global warming Inc. plans to be bastards here coming into your homes and taxing everything that breathes, regulating your life and sucking what's left of the middle class dry"

  • jaguarbass

    Al Gore's being a ding bat

    Gave us 8 years of the mother of all ding bats.


  • jaguarbass

    I have met Al and shaken his hand.

    And have videos of it.

    That was just a happening of circumstance.

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