JW statistics 2001 -- www.jwic.com/stat.htm

by Osarsif 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Osarsif
  • Jim Dee
    Jim Dee

    A picture tells a thousand words

    I wonder why they haven't put this graph in the Watchtower???


  • GinnyTosken

    Thanks, Osarsif, for sharing this.

    I found the commentary at the very bottom of the site especially interesting:

    What is common among those countries with zero growth or negative growth (most European, North American countries and Japan) compared to those countries with steady and rapid growth (former Soviet Union, most African and South and Central American countries)? This has been my question for the past several years since I started this statistics site. Economical, political and social instability of the countries seems to be related to the growth of the Watchtower religion. It prospers where the society is poor and unstable. It also prospers where public information sources are limited or restricted. In this regard, "epidemiology" of the Watchtower religion is very similar to that of contagious infectious diseases. Where public awareness of the disease propagation is limited, the disease spread rapidly. Is it totally a coincidence that the countries of rapid growth of JW population are also the countries of rapid growth in AIDS population?
  • openminded

    Economical, political and social instability of the countries seems to be related to the growth of the Watchtower religion. It prospers where the society is poor and unstable. It also prospers where public information sources are limited or restricted. In this regard, "epidemiology" of the Watchtower religion is very similar to that of contagious infectious diseases. Where public awareness of the disease propagation is limited, the disease spread rapidly. Is it totally a coincidence that the countries of rapid growth of JW population are also the countries of rapid growth in AIDS population?

    Very very good point! -OM

  • RunningMan

    According to sociologists, sects grow best in areas where there is
    either economic deprivation or rapid social mobility. These two criteria
    fit the known facts about JW's perfectly.

  • Simon

    Thanks Osarsif

    I've been looking forward to seeing the site updated with the latest stats.

  • anewperson

    And the WTS declines in lands where much accurate information is regularly efficiently disseminated that exposes the WTS, e.g. France, Denmark, Japan. This needs done more in the U.S. as well. Why not seriously work together to organize Support Groups for this in the U.S. since it works.

  • ISP

    Good site! Very helpful info!


  • 4horsemen

    Up or down. Whats the difference?

    The average dub in the USA will probably say,

    "Well, I see in the "rich" countries our numbers are going down. Didnt Jesus say it would be easier to pass a camel through a needles eye than a rich man to enter the Kingdom? Guess the end must be close. By the way hon, grab the mop so we can clean those 14 offices _after_ the ministry school. I swear it's all those people with college degrees deflating my janitorial purchasing power that makes this system so ready to be over. Thanks. Dinner ready yet?"

    Why ask why?

  • teejay

    What happened in 1997 that precipitated the beginning of the decline in baptisms? Was that when new light was revealed on the sheep and the goats doctrine? Just curious.

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