Drugs and Alcohol Ruin Your Life

by campaign of hate 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Drug use can ruin your health. It ruins your brain and your liver, it invites angels to corrupt your soul, and it wastes money that, at this critical time, is vital to prepare for when the dollar has zero value. Excessive drinking can also do the same.

    As there are potentially devastating consequences for doing these (smoking is included as drugs), those consequences are punishment enough for anyone that chooses to do them. That is why I never smoked, never got drunk, and never touched drugs--not because someone wanted to add more punishment to the already adequately devastating effects of drug use.

  • Finkelstein

    Unfortunately you tend to see a lot of JWS abuse alcohol since its approved and one thing they can do without much batting an eye.

    Light up some Marijuana though and look out.

    Since some States in the US are now legalizing Marijuana, will the use of this drug be given the OK by JWS in those States ?

  • JakeM2012

    Unfortunately, I drank more when I was in the organization and in good standing, either as a bethelite or as an elder than I currently imbibe.

    I see what you are saying, and the question is: Did the WTBTS atmosphere in the congregation and their teachings, negatively affect these peoples lives, which then started them to fall apart?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I drank more as a witness than I do now knowing the truth about the truth.

    Back in the 70's many of the JW's I knew were heavy drinkers.

  • LisaRose

    I actually drink far less now than when I was a JW. It's part of JW brainwashing that those who leave are unhappy, bitter people who have nothing to look forward to except drinking and drugs. While that might be true for some, it's hardly typical.

    If some do drink more after leaving, it's either because they haven't researched and found out tatt, so still feel guilty or because they are suffering from being shunned.

  • Finkelstein

    The JWS adage is assuming people who leave is because they want to do guilt provoking things like drinking , drugs and sexual immorality.

    They cant do these things without being called out and pointed to so they leave.

    While this may be true for some, particularity for the young, but hey I saw a lot of heavy drinking by JWS young and old when still within the organization.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You leave the Watchtower and discover that you have wasted decades serving a lie. Your closest friends, your mother and father, your adult children, your grandchildren ALL shun you. You were already drinking a bit much because of the pressure of the lifestyle. Nothing really changes, but you don't hide your drinking as well because there is no longer much of a reason.

    Rumor gets around that you are now a drunkard.

    Ridiculous judgmental cult.

  • Giordano

    Reading the Societies publications drove me to drink and you know I never thanked them for that.

    Everybody drank when I was a witness in the early 1960's especially at Bethel. As one brother told me before he passed out "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy".

  • SonoftheTrinity

    In states like California, I don't think marijuana is such a big issue because of the ease of obtaining a medical marijuana prescription. I think a dub would draw the line at edibles and using a vaporizer. I couldn't imagine any of them smoking if only for the aroma it leaves on someone. I've even heard rumors of some glaucoma suffering ghetto dubs growing. Its all very hush hush and when you live in a town that smells of dead roadkill skunks and marijuana which both smell like each other, snitching is a waste of time.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I'm sure if this is true about former JW"s being prone to drug and alcohol abuse, it's due to the fact that they are suffering from a case of "arrested development"

    "Born in's" or those who have been "in" a long time, have been using their religion as a means to cope with the realities of life. They often have developed little or no coping skills and turn to the most readily available means to ease the anxiety of being "out there without a net" once their support system is no longer in place.

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