I havn't posted in quite a while.. i thought we could move on.. .but my 8 year old is the most incredbly hurt brokenhearted girl by having her life-long friend ripped away by us leaving the organization. I tried to leave quietly, we're not DFed or anything... but her mother, my former best friend will NOT let the girls talk.. write.. contact ... PERIOD. My daughter is still crying all the time. I email my former friend, and she's just all concerned that my 8 year old is going to mess with her "spirituality". STUPID CULT. UGH.
What love ... "AMONG THEMSELVES". GOD FORBID you fall to the wayside... then be eaten by wolves!! I cant believe they could be so crule to my daughter as not to even allow her a "good-bye"... i just see this shaping her as a person.,.. its been about 8 months since she's seen her friend, and she still is crying... she made me listen to this song, and we both cried to it.... miss you song
I cant even listen to it. I had her in therapy in school, and the councelor said "shes fine" now.
I hate them more and more for being so mean and hateful to children.