Honestly, Would You Have Secretly Taken a Blood Transfusion?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus


  • snowbird

    When I was hardcore, I wouldn't have.

    My baby daughter had foot surgery when she was 1, and I signed a form requesting no blood! I shudder when I think about that.

    However, when I saw the inconsistencies in the policies, I would have accepted a transfusion without a care as to who found out.

    Later, I had a hysterectomy and didn't mention WT's no-blood policy.


  • blondie

    min, it means that jws that are more afraid of jws seeing, in my opinion, are not concerned about God seeing, they could perhaps think I suppose that God is not anti-transfusion. But my experience with jws that think this way, is they either don't believe God exists or that he doesn't care about humans. jws that say they are believers, I would think would be more concerned about what God sees.

  • asilentone

    Well, I would be hesitant to get someone else's blood. I guess that I am still conditioned to feel this way. If I have secret surgery that does not involve my JW family to support me, I might be inclined to accept it.

  • minimus

    Got it, Blondie!

  • happy1975

    When I got pregnant with my first child (about 5 years ago) I made a HUGE deal to the Doctor about NO BLOOD. When I got preganant with my second child (three years later) I did a total 180 on my stance. I asked my Doctor to strike all references to "no blood" from my file. I didn't intend to risk my life or my unborn child's life.

    The Doctor talked to me about it and one of the things she said was "having kids really changes things, doesn't it?"

    Thank God.


  • minimus

    Believing that God will punish you for taking certain components of blood but not punish you for taking other blood components is downright dumb.

  • undercover

    Not only would I have, I signed all the hospital papers allowing it(though I didn't need it). Only my immediate family knew...all other JW family members were kept in the dark. As far as other JWs (non-family), it was none of their business and if anyone tried to stick their self-righteous nose in my business they were going to pull back missing part of their face.

  • snowbird

    This reminds me of something.

    A young baptized woman from my old congregation gave birth to twin boys who were so beautiful.

    She had an "unbelieving mate."

    I worked at the county health department for a while, and had access to medical records.

    Well, I was coding one day when her file came across my desk. Guess what?

    You got it! She'd been given X units of blood during her delivery!

    I was flummoxed. To tattle or not.

    I didn't tattle. I'm so thankful.


  • minimus

    Her unbelieving husband must've forced it.

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