Why Can't I Be a Jehovah's Witness?

by AllTimeJeff 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllTimeJeff
    None of these things are new. Why is it that the WTS doesn't seem to know about them? Are they lying or merely stupid? I think you should bring up this lie they teach, as it shows their lack of integrity (and lack of proper research) in their comments on other religions.

    St Anne

    While I don't subscribe to Catholic theology, I can appreciate now that I am out of JW's, how offended Catholics are and must have been through the years at such things.

    I am sure you are aware that JW's frequently research other religions just enough to get what they want to frame, then they turn it loose.

    I should point out that you probably won't find the statement I made ("We aren't like other religions. You can walk into Catholic or Baptist Church and become a member pretty quickly. But for us ( JW's ) you have to study first and get the accurate knowledge of John 17:3") in an official publication of Jehovah's Witnesses. I did say that this was frequently stated from elders and traveling representatives. I heard it time and time again, and even re-stated it myself in several of my talks when I became an elder.

    JW's frequently take shots at other religions. This is what they do. It's like oxygen to them. They are around to get the low hanging fruit, not to engage in any real debate with other religions, Catholic or otherwise.

    If JW's can't frame or control the debate, they will get the hell out of the room. 100% guaranteed.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    AAAAAAAAH! it's OBVES the retarded prophet! this dork is/was on anti-jw usenet groups.

  • WTWizard

    I agree that it isn't as easy as walking into a Catholic church and becoming a member. Nor is baptism in the Catholic church the step needed to become a Catholic. You need to get confirmed before you are a full-blown member, and that is going to take some time.

    Not to mention, most of those churches will check the credentials of anyone that is going to work with children. The Catholic church had a problem with this, and now they are taking steps to rectify the issue. The Witlesses, on the other hand, have a problem with this and are doing all they can to hide it from the public.

  • crazycate

    Excellent points. Thanks for sharing.


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