my rewards

by Dogpatch 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Few people enjoy their work as much as I do. Here is a sample why. To all of you who have websites, I know you get similar notes and cards. Don't forget to be thankful for the simple things . :-))

    Randy Watters
    Net Soup!


    YAH-HOO,Right on Randy!You`ve helped a lot of people,me included.God bless you Randy..MERRY CHRISTMAS...OUTLAW

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Thanks Randy!

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • ISP

    Good ole Randy!


  • Xena

    Wow Randy that is great! Must be nice knowing that something you are doing has such a positive impact on people!

  • TR

    I would have to say that I think Randy's website was intrumental in keeping me from going back.

    Another round of applause for Randy!


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • Simon

    Yes, I got a lot of help from Randy's site and the information on it. Also being able to order literature to confirm things 100% was a bit plus.

    All together ... hip-hip Hooray ! (very British eh?)

    The little 'thank-you' emails do make it all worthwhile.

  • gumby

    Randy: Your site was my home away from home and all I needed to answer questions I had in my battle in exiting out. Your a great guy and I continue to direct anyone to your site who wants to learn the other side of the coin of the JW'S. Thanks again

  • catch22

    I really appreciate all the time and effort Randy puts in at Freeminds. I've enjoyed reading information there, as well as getting a hold of the hard to find items, like the old books. Last but not least I was impressed that he woud take the time to answer a question or get back to me. Always helpful and nice.
    Thanks Randy.

  • Satanus


    I too would like to express my appreciation. Before i came to this board you were kind enough to post something for me here.


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