If you sign up for Secret Santa follow through.....

by restrangled 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Right now I am a little pissed off. For the second year out of 3 I have sent some one something and spent more than was needed to because I care about x jws. Last year I had a very happy recipient and that made me happy! I also recieved a wonderful box from Michigan and it put a smile on my face all day!

    Please have the manners to acknowledge that you have recieved your gift, whether you like it or not. Please have the manners to drop out if you don't intend to to send something to someone else if you don't like your assigned person.

    I didn't sign up to get a gift......I signed up to share happiness and a smile.....I would like to know that I gave my recipient a smile and I don't want to feel sad about someone assigned to me, not bothering.


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Sorry R. I get you now. Oh well, too late. Merry Christmas anyways. I wasn't aware of secret Santa.

    I guess I'll just keep shovelling snow, till my arms fall off.

  • purplesofa

    maybe they are waiting till xmas to open it

  • free2beme

    I am sorry, but if I was the person in question ... I would not respond to that.

  • restrangled


    Your not getting it....no response needed......just that someone recieved it!

    Its the joy you are giving the other person that they received something for under their tree and it will be a surprise........they can open it when ever.....you just want to hear they received it!

    As most xjws know, anything is wonderful....few of us of had presents under a christmas tree for our entire lives.


  • purplesofa

    Maybe this happened as in the case with my secret santa present.

    We have a business run out of the house, my SS present got put in the office by workers thinking, maybe it was a part? I imagine it came last week some time as they left to work out of town on Thurs afternoon. I only discovered the package last night.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have not received mine yet. But I sent one out 10 days ago to my assigned recipient. Boy is postage a killer! Jeff

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I know where you are coming from r. Last year was the first year I participated in the SS. The person I was assigned to is a very infrequent poster on this board, and didn't post any ideas on what they would like, so I got a bunch of things that were unique to this area. I never heard from them if they got it, every so often I would bump the thread where people were posting when they got their gift. Finally in March I sent this person a message asking. I really hated having to ask like that, but hated the thought of it being lost in the mail even more.

    Just a simple "Thank you I received your thoughful gift" is appreciated.

  • restrangled
    Just a simple "Thank you I received your thoughful gift" is appreciated.

    BB....I agree...

    Everyone wants to know that what they sent was received.

    I do have to say that anything I sent in the past was received and was so appreciated by all, and it puts a smile on my heart.


  • Snoozy

    I think after going through so much as JW's..all we want now is a little "Thank you" ..it makes us feel good to know we are appreciated..we deserve to be a little selfish!


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