New York Slimes to go away?

by BurnTheShips 15 Replies latest social current

  • BurnTheShips

    New York Times to go away?

    6) The New York Times (NYT) has to repay $400 million in debt in the first half of 2009. It does not have the money. It plans to mortgage its headquarters, but it is uncertain what that will bring in an uncertain real estate market. The firm’s Boston Globe and regional newspaper operations lose money, so they will be hard to sell. NYT is controlled by the Sulzberger family which has super-majority voting shares. That won’t matter much when the company runs out of money. Another big media operation, perhaps News Corp (NWS) which owns The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, will come in and auction off what it can and keep the flagship New York Times newspaper and website.

    Will America's "newspaper of record" be a historical record?

    I guess there is a poetic justice in the possibility that Rupert Murdoch's News Corp (NWS) would auction the choicer cuts off of the Gray Lady's carcass. Presumably this would include things more valuable than the human "assets"--those "unbiased" journalists-- like say, good-as-new toilet fixtures and chandeliers. Even Watchtower Inc. has an intrinsic value: once you wash the Brooklyn buildings free of the human detritus, the view over the East River isn't bad at all...and like those old Awake! magazines, the leftover copies of the NYT could be put to a good use for a change, like wrapping up dead fish or lining bird cages...but I digress.

    Still, as the unofficial propaganda arm of the Democrat Party (and now by default a state media source...oh the humanatee!), what are the chances that they would be able avert catastrophe by lining up to the bailout feeding trough and getting paid? I'd suppose pretty good. These journalists are just a tad bit more reputable than the politicians they are in bed with and can definitely wheel and deal. But if not..well...maybe these unemployed liberal journalists can acquire gainful employment in a more reputable field such used car sales or starting their own fundamentalist cults.


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    Still, as the unofficial propaganda arm of the Democrat Party (and now by default a state media source...

    Oy vey. More Sean Hannity talking points.

    I am still amazed that the NY Times is such a bee in the bonnet of Conservatives. Newspaper readership is down significantly; and more and more consume their news through cable and internet. Though the NY Times may be the "standard" news source for some of the "elite", I certainly do not see it as having significant influence over the public opinion of average America. I personally do not know one person who reads the NY Times.

    Puting aside the biases of the NY Times, if there was ever a media outlet that could be congratulated for carrying the water for one of the two parties, it would be FOX News. I see a revolving door between FOX, and Republican politics. Tony Snow leaves FOX to become White House Press Secretary. Then, FOX hires Karl Rove and Mike Huckabee; while featuring Newt Gingrich as a regular guest. This is all within their right to do so, but the "Fair And Balanced" slogan still gives me a good laugh. It reminds me of the Watchtower referring to itself as the "Spiritual Paradise".

    The NY Times and LA Times are not the only biased outlets. All media has a bias to a certain degree. Yes, even Neal Cavuto. There are certainly an ample suppy of conservative leaning magazines including the Weekly Standard and the Economist.

    The NY Times - a state media source? Oh Burn, you silly!

  • BurnTheShips
    The NY Times - a state media source? Oh Burn, you silly!

    Oh come now, the tongue was firmly planted in the cheek. You could have done much better with a cheeky rejoinder.


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    Oh come now, the tongue was firmly planted in the cheek. You could have done much better with a cheeky rejoinder.

    Well hey, what can I say. Those damned cross word puzzles in the back of the NY Times scrambled my brain.

  • cameo-d

    Are you saying that maybe I should not plan on a full years subscription?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    It's gonna be interesting to see what happens, now that all the republican bashers are going to have to "get a life".

  • hamilcarr
    Still, as the unofficial propaganda arm of the Democrat Party (and now by default a state media source...oh the humanatee!)

    I guess you yourself don't believe this ...

  • StAnn

    I used to enjoy the NYT. Heck, I used to enjoy CNN. But now "journalists" don't even pretend to be unbiased or objective. It's all about showboating. I'm glad the NYT is going under. It's been inevitable since all of the news outlets in the nation came under the control of just a handful of huge "news" companies. Newspapers are just propaganda machines now for the big corporations that own them.


  • hamilcarr

    Btw, could one except anything different from an urban cosmopolitan, internationally respected newspaper?

  • reneeisorym

    I wrapped zeroday's Christmas present in the NYTimes .. hehehe .. (And yes, I subscribe.)

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