Blood Issue took my mom last night

by rwagoner 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnConfused

    I'm sorry RW. Really that is terrible. Best wishes to your Dad and wife too.

  • tenyearsafter

    My condolences on your is always a blow to lose a loved one under any circumstance. Don't be embarrassed about your uniform...those very people that shun you would not hesitate one iota to call upon you if they needed your help as a police officer. As was mentioned before, the memorial service should be for the living, and if it doesn't create problems with your immediate family, you should do what you wish...and wear the uniform with pride, firearm and all. I wear mine with pride.

  • orangefatcat

    Please accept my deepest condolances and sympathy for you loss.

    I truly understand what you are going through. It isn't very pleasant having to come to grips with the lose of one we love so dearly.

    Don't get run down now, you need to take care of yourself and allow yourself to grieve as this is very important. Tears are our pressure valve and if we keep them pent up we will only make ourselves sick. So please talk to friends and family members that will talk to you.

    You are who you are, and I would certainly not change for any Jehovah's Witness to accomadate them or their feelings. This is your mom and your are their to pay your respects to her. If you feel your uniform is who and what makes you than by all mean go in full uniform not forgoing any part of your uniform or your weaponry. It all belongs to the set. if it makes the JW's cringe so be it, its your mom not theirs.

    If your buddies are going to that is even all the more so to go in your uniform. If we are ashamed of what we are or have become since leaving the witnesses then there is really nothing to say. It is as if they have won. But when we refuse to bow down to their way of thinking or doing we prove we have the courage to escape a cult and become a survivor. And I know many are probably extremely jealous of you because many of them wish they had the chutzpah do leave too but haven't the courage and fear the consquenses of leaving. The threat of disfellowshipping, the lose of family and friends, JW's have it all down pat as to how they can punish its followers for any kind of disobedience thus the fear factor takes over and they contiune living a dismal life in the organizaition. Oh they may say they are truly happy but many are lying and hide behind a facade of that so called kingdom smile and yet deep down they rather be any where else but at a KH.

    I can tell you are a proud man and have a good name and reputation and will honour your mom and your uniform and your country. So hold up your head high in that K H and don't let them think for one minute you are intimadated.

    God be with you. And again my deepest condolances.



  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear rwagner,

    (((HUGS)))!!!! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so sorry for your loss.


    Lady Liberty

  • FlyingHighNow

    You should wear the police dress. I'd love to be there to see their faces. Sorry to hear about your mother.

  • independent_tre

    Witnesses are forever condemning others as 'blood guilty' of this or that, when in fact the WTS has its hands covered in blood due to this extrascriptural requirement.

    My deepest, wholehearted sympathy to you and your family at this sad time.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I wish I could say something that could take away your pain. My dad died of heart and kidney failure back in 1994. He needed a heart transplant and refused on wt doctrine. He felt it was the truth and he died for his beliefs. I respect his wishes, but it hurts to this day.

  • Hortensia

    I'm very sorry to hear about your mother's death. Please accept my sympathy. I think that wearing your uniform, with your friends also in uniform, will help to remind you during the funeral that you are not alone. You have new, truer, relationships and you don't need any of the JWs who have turned their backs on you. I'm sorry for your father, too. He will be really lonely.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I am so terribly sorry. My non-JW Mom took the blood and lives. I am so sorry that the WTB&TS took your Mother from u

  • IHaveADream

    I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. I hope all of us expressing our sympathies may

    ease your suffering a bit. You will be in my prayers.

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