Hi my names josephus, and i am an apostate.

by josephus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    Well this is the day.

    I mentioned to my mum that i read a good book recently about dates, and cronology.

    She blew up and told me i was just trying to read anything that attempts to disprove jws.

    apparently i am like those apostates, and people didnt want to talk to my because of it.

    "this is the truth", she said.

    Well i am now an apostate. it doesnt feel as bad as i thought it would.


  • joelbear

    This is the truth but don't discuss it with anyone who has questions about it because it is fragile and might break.


  • YoYoMama
    She blew up and told me i was just trying to read anything that attempts to disprove jws.

    Have you thought of the possibility that she is right? Have you read anything from an unbiased source?

  • Andee

    Yeah, right.


    Like the Watchtower? Awake?

    You mean "not critical" of the WTS?

    If one wants that, better stick to Borg publications.


  • NameWithheld

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - unbiased coming from a JWs mouth!!!! Hey YoYoBrain maybe you need to drop the WT/Awake for awhile and read some unbiased info? Oh I forget you are not allowed to!

    Do you even know what the meaning of the word unbiased is?

  • JeffT

    Hi Josephus.

    They're right, hanging out with us apostates will screw up your head. We'll make you sit in long boring meetings where you have to repeat everything we say exactly the way we say it. If you mess up you'll be corrected in front of all the other apostates. Three times a year you will have to go to even longer and more boring meetings where you will hear the same stuff all over again. Twice a year a higher up apostate will come by to flog as all into submission to the secret apostate council.

    Oh, by the way, we all take drugs and look at porn on the internet.

  • Billygoat


    Oh...that's a good one!


  • YoYoMama
    Like the Watchtower? Awake?

    You mean "not critical" of the WTS?

    If one wants that, better stick to Borg publications.

    O.k. provide unbiased information regarding the Watchtower and I will take a look at it.

  • joelbear


    Good point. Unbiased is the key. I tend to read scientific non-fiction, various historical accounts and a number of difference reference points regarding scriptures and/or spiritual thought before I come to conclusions.

    I also trust my own experiences far more than I trust hearsay or anything I read.

    I discount biased sources of information on either side of the argument.

    I agree with you though, that most anti-Watchtower information has to be filtered carefully for agendas, biases and hyperbole.


  • dubla

    [email protected] needed that laugh, thanks yoyo.


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