No More Publisher Numbers

by GermanXJW 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    Wouldn't it be a hoot if within the next 10 years the number would increase to 144,000.? LOL

    Perhaps all those "undercover" should partake this year?

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I figured out one time that I could go out on the first of August and not go out again until the 30th of September, go out again the next day 1st of October and not go out again until November 30...... and still be considered a "regular" publisher...just because I "published" in 4 consecutive months...but in reality had not been out in 2 months twice. 2 month intervals in field circus...there's the answer for faders...and that "activity" was questionable at best...but still legit.........its what I did before I turned in completely phantom time at the very end....

    As for it not being in the Kingdumb Misery.... you can be certain that those monthly stats will be available somewhere....the Society, CO, BOE....are obsessed with numbers.

    I always thought they should have one line on the time slip: "Did you participate in some form of the ministry during the month? Yes/No."

    Nothing else. Would have made my job as secretary easier....

    Snakes ()

  • Galileo
    I figured out one time that I could go out on the first of August and not go out again until the 30th of September, go out again the next day 1st of October and not go out again until November 30...... and still be considered a "regular" publisher...just because I "published" in 4 consecutive months...but in reality had not been out in 2 months twice. 2 month intervals in field circus...there's the answer for faders...and that "activity" was questionable at best...but still legit.........its what I did before I turned in completely phantom time at the very end....

    As for it not being in the Kingdumb Misery.... you can be certain that those monthly stats will be available somewhere .... the Society, CO, BOE....are obsessed with numbers.

    That's an elegant solution, but I came up with a simpler one when I was fading... I didn't go out for two years & turned in 2 - 5 hours every month. No one ever questioned me on it, even though for much of that time I was a Ministerial Servant!

  • stillajwexelder

    They announced no more publisher figures in YEARBOOKS - only in KM

  • stillajwexelder

    By the way, I have seen them not put figures in a KM one month and then put two lots of figures in the following month

  • garybuss

    When I was making my exit, I went door to door with literature and lastly, without literature, but I didn't turn in a field service report. The Witnesses didn't call me, they called my wife and asked her if I had any time to report for the month. I'd tell her "No!". I did that for a few months, then quit altogether.

    I figured when the Society toyed with mainstreaming one of the first things they'd hide is published results of sales activity. Next I suspect they will dispense with the "publisher" designation and the sales/recruiting activity requirement to be recognized as a member.

    We've seen a softer Society before, but the softeners were purged and the hardliners have always stayed in power for the duration. The only thing I see for sure is the Organization will get worse and worse.

    I've been wrong so many times in the past that I don't have one shred of credibility.

  • stillajwexelder

    the GB has got diluted with more new blood over the last few years though and we have seen a lot of changes

  • +

    Hello Doubting Bro,

    The Jan 2009 KM still reported this one Sep 2008.
    For Germany worst September since the reunification of the announcing BRD, DDR (Jan 1992).

    Hello stillajwexelder,

    in german KM:

    KM May 1995

    Also Feb 1977 and Mar 1977 no announcing ore Pubs. appeared.

    Also in english KM on Sep 2005

    km 9 2005 p. 7 Announcements
    Beginning with the October 2005 issue, the branch service report in Our Kingdom Ministry will appear one month later than it had previously. Thus, the June service report will appear in the October issue instead of the September issue. This adjustment will bring Our Kingdom Ministry for the United States in line with that of other branches.

    Also in english KM on Nov 1972

    km 11 1972 p. 7 Reporting Suggestions
    Reporting Suggestions It was not possible to tabulate the September field service report because many congregations sent in the old Congregation Report card which only shows the total activity for congregation publishers.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Most Publisher figures are so embarrassing..... zero increase or -2% no growth in any major countries.

  • slimboyfat

    So GermanXJW says there are no figures in the KM, and Stilla says there will be no figures in the yearbook. Does that mean there will be no figures anywhere then?

    If they stop publishing the figures then sooner or later they will stop collecting them, I am pretty sure of that. How could they keep on getting people to fill reports if the results are never made known?

    If they have decided to stop counting publishers through time slips then that is a major change in organization and it would mean a massive cultural change too.

    It would also seem to suggest that reports about inactive people being shunned are incorrect. If they stop counting time then how are inactive ones to be defined?

    This looks like a major step toward becoming a mainstream church if it turns out they are dropping the focus on numbers.

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