Volunteering at Assemblies.

by LouBelle 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I didn't mind "volunteering" at the asemblies. It saved me from the boring hours. I cleaned my congregation section but never any heavy cleaning. I did more visiting with other jws in food service than I ever would have between sessions. I worked some during the sessions as well and observed the heavy hitters not paying attention, after all it was coming out in the publications, right?

  • QuestioningEverything

    I did. I always felt like it was a privelige to help out. Truthfully-I enjoy helping out with that kind of stuff. At my kids events, I always make it a point to volunteer to set up or clean up.

  • Casper

    Me too...

    I worked all Assemblies and Conventions, doing anything and everything
    they would allow me to do. I loved it, we would get so tired we couldn't
    move, but it was a "Good Tired".

    That's the only thing I miss about those days.


  • delilah
    The best jobs were watchmen jobs.

    AND....watchwomen jobs.... We girls liked to wander about watching the hot young guys....who were watching the hot young girls.....

    In all seriousness, Loubelle...I volunteered every chance I could, especially when we served hot meals....got me away from sitting in those very uncomfortable chairs, and listening to the nonsense that was spewing forth.

  • loosie

    Well at good 'ol Dogers stadium in LA the best job was accounting. You got to go down stairs (where you couldn't hear the program at all) and count money. I mean piles of money. We had to straighten out the money so the bill counting machine could count it.

    They gave us a warning before hand. " do not tell the brothers and sisters about how much money you see down here" LOL I wonder why?!?!!?

  • Kudra

    I didn't want to volunteer because I would have missed the talks.

    Yes, that was my actual sentiment then.

    Barf barf barf.

    I did the donation boxes once and was SO disapproving at all the young sisters and brothers who would use that time to goof off. Plus I couldn't hear the session out in the hallways at the Cow Palace.

    Can you believe it...


  • Quandry

    Always. Went at the crack of dawn to make sandwiches when we had food. Took food tickets at the food area, cleaned, cleaned, cleaned so many toilets....swept, vacuumed at Rosenberg Assembly Hall in Texas, I get exhausted thinking about it.

  • wunce_wuz

    And if you were in full time service, such as pioneering you got to count hours for "working" at assemblies. It was an easy way to make up or create hours...

  • Quandry

    Hey-I never knew pioneers could count hours working at Assemblies!!! Learn something new every day.....after over thirty years "in"

  • crazycate

    Kudra, Kudra, Kudra...me too...

    I volunteered at every assembly and convention from before I was baptized until long after I quit pioneering. And I always wanted to work around the program so I wouldn't miss a single talk...which I always recorded in extensive notes. When I was old enough to attend more than one convention (because I could drive myself there), I would work whenever they wanted for one convention, and make up any talks I missed at the next.

    I served food, made sandwiches, washed dishes, swept, cleaned restrooms...And felt privileged to be used.


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