Who Cares About You, REALLY?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff

    I think you know if someone really cares when they go out of their way to do something that is more than inconvient or difficult for them to do, on your behalf. I count myself very lucky to have several great friends this way, of course, my family as well, well most of it. LOL

    When I first left my ex husband because I couldn't take the abuse anymore, two of my very dear friends took me and my daughters in for a couple months until I got on my feet (left with the clothes on our backs, nothing more), and believe me it was more than an inconvience to them, it was difficult, they had young kids of their own, a life of their own, it was unselfish love that motivated them to help me, not what "payback" or "return" they would get out of it. I am eternally grateful to have friends who care that much.

    There are people on this board I care about, wish the best for, want to keep updated on and not because I gain anything from it, because I geniunely care about them and their journey's in life. I'd rather care deeply and it not be returned than to care too little and make another feel the pain of not knowing they are important. We can't control what others do we only have control over ourselves. Better to be part of the solution than part of the problem.

  • Mary
    Since you've left the Witnesses, does anyone really care for you????

    I'm pretty sure Reniaa really cares deeeeeeply for me. And 'scholar'. altaltalt

  • mouthy

    Mary I think your dillusional LOL

  • StAnn

    Well, Mary, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think Reniaa has put me on her Christmas list either!


  • minimus

    i u Mary.

  • Quirky1

    I am very confident that my family care for me very dearly. It is I that I think doesn't care about me.

  • orbison11


  • FlyingHighNow

    Orbison, we care about you. I hope you have people close by who care as well.

  • FlyingHighNow

    1. My son and daughter.
    2. My grandsons.
    3. My friends, Andy especially.
    4. People from St. Andrews, St. Mark's and Holy Trinity.
    5. Some very special friends here at JWD who have reached out to me in a bigger way.
    6. Some others here at JWD.
    7. Possibly some JWDers who haven't said so, but never the less - do.
    8. The creator, relatives who've passed on, friends who've passed on and angels who've taken special interest in my family and me. Some of you won't understand this. That's okay, to each his own. But I see evidence of it everyday and night.
  • orbison11

    thanks fhn,,,but it is the truth, and i live with it,,,not a biggie, is just my life,,,,,i function, lol

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