Do you believe that JW's are Religious Fanatics?

by Honesty 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Its hard to seperate the religion from the fanatic. I've known a few that pulled it off convincingly, but mostly religion (god religion, or any other type) = fanatic.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think they are the most balanced individuals in the world. I want to be one. They are groovy

  • shamus100

    It's not about belief. It's about facts.

    They are the among the most unbalanced religious fanatics around.

  • asilentone


  • oompa

    i think only hardcore Muslims and Hasidic Jews...and maybe Amish....are more fanatical...oh heck there are probably more too.........oompa....but JW are still nutty fanatics...some will not speak to their 35 year old kids who are dfd because they make a decision when they were 11 to get dunked???????????????.....geeze that is fanatical

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think that only Star Wars fanatics are weirder

  • sweetstuff

    I've often said this and I stick by it, if most jw's could stone people to death publically like in the good ole book, they'd do so without hesitating, even if it bothered them, deep down. Because "the devilgod watchtower society made them do it". After all, they will let a child die because the watchtower society says it's right, they will shun their family, spouses, children because the watchtower society tells them it's right. That is my definition of fanatic.

  • Hiddenwindow

    Yes, they are; no doubt; absolutely, 100% yes (Oh, my God, I'm answering like a fanatic)

  • Hiddenwindow

    By my standards most of them are. If you do not seriously consider the possibility of being wrong about your beliefs or convictions, you are a fanatic.

  • cameo-d

    I think they are being hypnotized....somehow.

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