Author David Reed on the conference call Sat. Nov.22 7p.m.EST

by kool aid man06 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I'm ALL ABOUT exposing cults and manipulative, authoritarian organizations. But THAT is all just a smaller segment of the issue of coercive persuasion and mind-hacking (TM) . I'm also ALL ABOUT being a skeptic when it comes to believing one of your own kind. We are far more apt to believe myth when it comes from one of our own, rather than from our opposition. Make sure you apply the same objective, double-blind tests to both sides if you want to be fair. Or attack the questioner if you can't get your head around it.

    I'm hoping that this is not some sensational nonsense with charismatic scare stories. Demons are always center stage! Was certainly the rage in Salem. I watched shamelessly wealthy Manhattan Beach parents who worship their kids go MILITANT in insisting this was all real. There were no tunnels, no magic bunnies, no evidence of silver bullets or secret covens. But HEY! I do the news, and this is sensational, and I have put this link on my main page, and I hope it goes well. If not, you will surely get feedback.

    from the McMartin wiki: (LOVE them underground tunnels!)

    Several hundred children were then interviewed by the Children's Institute International (CII), a Los Angeles abuse therapy clinic. The interviewing techniques used during investigations of the allegations were highly suggestive and invited children to pretend or speculate about supposed events. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] By spring of 1984, it was claimed that 360 children had been abused. [ 15 ] [ 5 ] [ 16 ]Astrid Heppenstall Heger performed medical examinations and took photos of what she believed to be minute scarring which she stated was caused by anal penetration. Critics have alleged that the questioners asked the children leading questions, repetitively, which, it is said, [ 17 ] always yields positive responses from young children, making it impossible to know what the child actually experienced. Others believe that the questioning itself may have led to false memory syndrome among the children who were questioned. [ 1 ] [ 3 ] Ultimately only 41 of the original 360 children testified during the grand jury and pre-trial hearings, and less than a dozen testified during the actual trial. [ 18 ]

    Videotapes of the interviews with children were reviewed by Dr. Michael Maloney, a British clinical psychologist and professor of psychiatry, as an expert witness regarding the interviewing of children. Maloney was highly critical of the interviewing techniques used, referring to them as improper, coercive, directive, problematic, adult-directed in a way that forced the children to follow a rigid script and that "many of the kids' statements in the interviews were generated by the examiner." [ 19 ] Transcripts and recordings of the interviews contained far more speech from adults than children, and demonstrated that despite the highly coercive interviewing techniques used, initially the children were resistant to interviewers' attempts to elicit disclosures. Recordings of these interviews were instrumental in the jury's refusal to convict by demonstrating how children could create their vivid and dramatic testimonies without having experienced the abuse. [ 20 ] The techniques used were contrary to the existing guidelines in California for the investigation of cases involving children and child witnesses. [ 21 ]

    Bizarre allegations

    Some of the accusations were described as "bizarre", [ 6 ] overlapping with accusations that mirrored the just-starting satanic ritual abuse moral panic. [ 3 ] It was alleged that, in addition to having been sexually abused, they saw witches fly, traveled in a hot-air balloon, and were taken through underground tunnels. [ 3 ] When shown a series of photographs by Danny Davis, the McMartins' lawyer, one child identified actor Chuck Norris as one of the abusers. [ 1 ] Some of the abuse was alleged to have occurred in secret tunnels beneath the school. Several investigations turned up evidence of old buildings on the site and other debris from before the school was built, but no evidence of any rooms was found. [ 3 ] There were claims of orgies at car washes and airports, and of children being flushed down toilets to secret rooms where they would be abused, then cleaned up and presented back to their unsuspecting parents. Some children said they were made to play a game called "Naked Movie Star" in which they were photographed nude. [ 5 ] [ 22 ] [ 3 ] During the trial, testimony from the children stated that the naked movie star game was actually a rhyming taunt used to tease other children, and had nothing to do with having naked pictures taken. [ 3 ]

    Johnson, who made the initial allegations, made bizarre and impossible statements about Raymond Buckey, including that he could fly. [ 5 ] Though the prosecution asserted Johnson's mental illness was caused by the events of the trial, Johnson had admitted to them that she was mentally ill beforehand. Evidence of Johnson's mental illness was withheld from the defense for three years, and when provided were in the form of sanitized reports that excluded Johnson's statements, at the order of the prosecution. [ 23 ] One of the original prosecutors, Glenn Stevens, left the case and stated that other prosecutors had withheld evidence from the defense, including the information that Johnson's son was unable to identify Ray Buckey in a series of photographs. Stevens also accused the deputy district attorney on the case of lying and withholding evidence from the court and defense lawyers in order to keep the Buckey's in jail and prevent access to exonerating evidence. [ 24 ]

  • Dogpatch

    Everyone LOVES to demonize Bethel. I did!

    Better looking demons might be in order, though.

    The last one you featured was pretty disgusting.

    Here's one Bethel demon that has a more positive, constructive look (not me, watch till the end! I am NOT a demon.)

    circle.gif (204 bytes) Help From Below

  • jaguarbass

    When I escaped the tower back in 83. David Reed was there with his news letter comments from the friends.

    Thats how I dealt with leaving the wactower in the 80's.

    He made me aware of Crissis of Concience.

    I would think he helped a lot of people out of the tower and bondage to the Wactower.

  • sf

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  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    The subject of SRA "raises people's eyebrows" and can be questionable to some and understandably so. As of late, this subject is coming up a lot. When those who allegedly were involved with SRA step forward we should be willing to listen to what they have to say. For all of us former Jehovah's Witnesses, we know how strange and secretive the organization is. We know for a fact that the Watchtower org. hides so much to protect their interests and finances. The reason why this subject is being discussed on this week's conference call is because some of our active Jehovah's Witness listeners wanted to hear more about this subject.

  • watson

    The site is still disabled.

  • minimus

    Next week's topic will be Secret Molestations at The Watchtower Farm.

  • Dogpatch

    That's good, Rick! Will look forward to it if I can slip away from my work on Sat.

    I won't poison the well any further, but as you know I like to stir up publicity for news events, PC or not!

    Contrary to popular belief, I do not accept anything my best friends say as truth, unless I have sparred with them on it. I'm not a good ol' boy. I stir up conflict, so as to stimulate and learn. It is sometimes confusing to others what I say. That is intentional: to get others to think.

    I love David and look forward to hearing from him. Hopefully you will get your website fixed! Mine is kinda broken right now, too, and people are all over my back yard trying to fix it. :-0

    Remember, I live in LA and all my friends are talk show hosts. :-))


    My philosophy is, if you can't stick up for what you promote, you are fair game for critique.

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Our website is temporarily disabled. Our traffic count has increased tremendously since we have been hosting the conference calls. This traffic, coupled with the new audio and video files made it necessary to acquire more bandwith (space) on the site. This technical problem is being worked on and the site should be up sometime Friday night. We are sorry for the inconvience. In the meantime, check out our sister site at

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Our phone lines open at 6:30p.m.EST. The program will begin at 7p.m.EST. Come in early and this will secure you a line. There is already a lot of "buzz" about this upcoming program. It is being talked about all over the "net". Our guest, Ravyn, wants to go public concerning her personal experiences in the Jehovah's Witness org. with Satanic Ritual Abuse. Our first guest on the program will be David Reed who is also creating much anticipation. So it looks like the lines will be full!

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