HAve you written to GB/bethel?

by badboy 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Yes, October 11, 1999 when I sent them a copy of my letter of disassociation that listed the many reasons why my conscience would no longer allow me to remain as one of Jehovah's Witnesses after thirty years. I sent the same letter to the PO of my former congregation.

    Farkel helped my with the final draft and formatting and he and others were more than instrumental in proving to me that the WTS was a farce, was never "the truth" and never had been.

    I did not hear directly from WTS headquarters but I was stalked and harrassed by phone and at my door, and at my husband's place of empoyment....for weeks and weeks by the local WTS representitives who wanted to suddenly "discuss" my letter after ignoring me for several months when I became disabled. It's the Watchtower Way ya know.

    Even if my letter was never read at Bethel, it felt good to make a clean break and be able to express my views to them.



  • badboy

    mOUTHY,IF A CONGREGATION CAN MAKE ItS OWN RULES,can THeY celebrate christmas if they wanted?

  • Farkel




  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I wrote to the Society back in 1982. I needed to be on dialysis and found out that there were two types. Hemodialysis and Peritoneal dialysis. I was very excited and happy that this new type of dialysis did not require my blood being moved. I wrote them about this new type and how perhaps they could write an article about it so others in the same circumstance could know of this option. I received a letter back telling me that at this time they can't say what there standing is on peritoneal dialysis, but were glad that I was doing so well. I was amazed by what they wrote. I had spent many sleepless nights trying to decide what to do and they tell me they can't tell me what there opion is of it. I framed that letter and put it up on the wall for a few years. I stayed away from the congregation for awhile, but unfortunately I later went back. Took another 20 years tbefore I woke up.

  • orangefatcat

    Well at least you finally left and those are the same words my aunt who is not a witness said to me, better late then never, and that is so true. So I have alot of fun to catch up on. I have been out nine years now and wouldn't ever think of ever going back to the cage.


  • Snoozy


    I posted a link to the letter you wrote to the society on page one of this thread in my second post..

    Is that the one you were talking about?


  • oompa

    oh ya...i wrote about three years ago...their main reply was to my elders, not me...they were to read it to me...just to hot to actually give me a copy cause it could be used by apostates they said...i said how the hell could it be used by apostates if it the truth about our bible?????...the whole process was creepy and secretive....i was commanded three times to not share the info with the bros at the hall!!.........so the elders were pretty disturbed by their pathetic non-answers when i had written a damm well researched and lengthy letter so they wrote back to WT asking for more info.....and bethel wrote back and said...nothing to add......now the elders faith is shaken too.......you just cant make this crap up.........oomps

  • orangefatcat

    yes snozzy that is the letter, what did you think of it? Pretty cheeky on my part and I know I was a naughty girl but when you are so desperate to survive you rationalize anything to get out. But I knew what I was doing and I calculated the cost of my sin and I knew that I took a big chance with God and hoping he would please forgive my actions. I wanted out of that terrible marriage, I wanted him to have the right to remarry should he choose and I wanted to be out of the organzition desperately. I was going over the edge. I needed sanity not insanity and in Marco I gained his love and strength to do what was needed to be done, he was the catylst but we ended up madly in love and wow it was a whirlwind of love in our marriage. Short and marvelous. I will never regret leaving, I regret the sin, I know God has long forgiven me, and I didn't need three men to tell me what I alread y knew. They were not going to hear anything from me what so ever. There biggest horror was this ....was the person you did it with a witness. Get a load of that will you,, I should have said yes and left them guessing ..

    But truly Snozzy I really feel that they had no right to disfellowship me as they just proceeded without any evidence whatsoever they just took my ex's word and my stupid sisters word.

    I don't care though I am free and that is what I wanted and I know God made it happen and he heard my prayers but I think he was upset with the way I did it. But that was then and this is now and I know God is a fair and just God and I know he wouldn't be blessing me if he held that against me.

    Orangefatcat.'s claws need sharpening.!!!!!!!!!!

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