The Whole World Has Gone After Him

by snowbird 57 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt
  • jamiebowers

    "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible."

    Dang, Obama keeps getting promoted!

    At first he was just a rank & file Muslim.

    Then a close friend with domestic terrorists.

    Then he was a Nazi.

    Then he was a Socialist Nazi.

    Then a Marxist Nazi (whatever that is)

    Now he's the antichrist!

    By Inauguration day, he'll be ol' Scratch himself

    Sir82, you crack me up, brother!
  • watson

    He thinks before he speaks, and chooses his words wisely. He doesn't feel like he has to act as if he knows it all. I figure that he is the type of guy that if he doesn't know something, he'll research it and get back to you, instead of spouting off a buch of political BS. I like that.

  • snowbird
    I figure that he is the type of guy that if he doesn't know something, he'll research it and get back to you, instead of spouting off a buch of political BS. I like that.

    So do I.


  • stillajwexelder

    because even my boss a rabid republican thinks he may be the messiah

  • kurtbethel

    He is a lot like Jesus, the ultimate inkblot. People see in Him what they want to see.

    Want health care? He will provide.

    Want the troops to come home? He will end the war and the troops will come home.

    Want the economy to pick up? He will jigger the economy somehow and make it better.

    Afraid of all those terrible losses of your civil rights? He will sweep away the (un)patriot(otic) act with a pen stroke and you will find your rights magically restored. Domestic spying will end, road checkpoints will be dismantled and those silly airport screenings will go away forever. (or as long as you don't let republicans fool you into letting them destroy America)

    Even if none of this comes to pass, hard core cultists will rationalize that He is trying, but that (fill in the blank) is obstructing Him.

  • HappyDad

    Even though the Left Behind series was total fiction..........the Obama parallel universe seems to mimic Nicolai Carpathia.

    Hmmmmmmmm........could it be?



  • beksbks

    Awwwwwwwwww Dad!

  • HappyDad

    At least Obama gives the semblance of hope. Something that America hasn't had in 8 years.

    I wish the man well and will support him as my president.

    Unless he screws up and becomes the Democratic G.W.B. ..........which I doubt.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    This whole election was a setup from the word go! I can't stop from laughing at the fools that put so much faith in this guy and his sales-pitch. Just wait six months to a year or so and see how the masses (Asses) that voted for this guy feel....You bet change is on the way. It just ain't going to be what everyone thinks! All of you better learn some serious survival techniques. Oh yeah I forgot, the government and this new guy will take care of all of us.........

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