the intellectual laziness in jh, ks & follo...

by elke 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Erich


    "Evolution" is no theory; it's religion.

    It is no theory wherein a criteria for "falsibility" (see Karl Popper!) is possible!

    And now it's end for today.
    Sorry. Perhaps we can continue tomorrrow.
    I've to do other more important work..

  • fodeja
    It is no theory wherein a criteria for "falsibility" (see Karl Popper!) is possible!

    Yawn. Erich-Burschi, instead of throwing around vague references and strong assertions left and right, why don't you even try to give us solid arguments? You know, there's more to an argument than a few strong words and vague references to Popper and your favourite radio program. Much more.

    Will you show us that you're not just the 3489798th troll on this board, or are you quite happy with that appearance anyway?


    (pet peeve: CRITERION is SINGULAR, CRITERIA is PLURAL! AAARGH! Why can't anybody get this right!? Loooosers! )

  • Cygnus

    There's nothing wrong with spirituality, or a sense of purpose in the universe. I disbelieve in gods, but I don't rule out something like Tao or some pantheistic notion where order is complex and complexity finds itself in order.

    However, NONE OF THAT MEANS DICK TO ME. That's primarily why I don't believe in gods -- it's totally irrelevant.

    The very question, "Does a God/Creator exist?" is inherently worthless.

  • ashitaka

    "You didn't understand NOTHING...."

    nice grammar, schmuck.

    Please educate yourself.



  • larc


    I come from the agnostic point of view. It can not be proved or disproved as to whether there is a creator or not. Therefore, it is not worth spending time trying to figure it out. In your rather prosiac example of shit, yes, I know where it comes from. Also, if I buy a computer, I know it is a very complex assembley of intricate components. Our human minds would like to make the same application to the universe, but that does not make it so, because we would like it to be so. The idea of a creator or no creator are both hard to comprehend, and as Farkel pointed out, if there is a creator, who created the creator? To a assume that a creator lived back into infinite time, is just as hard to believe as there being no creator. Also, if there is a creator, why is there no evidence whatsoever. Perhaps, he made this earth along with the rest of the universe as one big terarium and just let run on its own for his own amusement, since there is no evidence whatsoever of his presence at any time in human history.

    Erich, I have given considerable thought to this subject in time's past and have expressed my personal philosophy, in my own words. Now, why don't you do the same. Express what you believe and why in your own words.
    One other point, what a scientist believes or disbelieves about a creator has nothing to do with it, because science has nothing to say on the subject. Theism, agnostasism, and atheism are not covered within the domain of science. Never have been - never will be. Therefore, what a scientist believes on the subject is not relevant. If you want to further explore the ideas regarding God or the lack thereof, look to philosophy, not science.

    Or are you too intellectualy lazy to make this exploration, Erich?

  • Abaddon

    Erich; are you a masochist or just to dense to realise you're being whipped?

    Bluster, buffonery, vaugeness, idiotic logic, and half the time you shoot yourself in the foot!

    You ask for proof something undetectable doesn't exist. I think my eight-year-old daughter could spot the erroneous thinking in that.

    You ask for proof that shit creates itself. As has been pointed out, this fails as an arguement, as we can all claim that shit creates itself, and have as much proof of this claim as you do for your god or creator. You also fail to see this 'logic' begs the question; could I have proof that 'god' or the 'creator' creates themselves?

    Prove something, prove anything, respond to direct questions instead of hiding behind clouds of flatulenece. Or are you a coward?

    elke; I bet you've read the responces to the post you made, and you've not replied at all to having your pathetic little post ripped to shreds. That's funny, you're just like the rest, big claim, then RUN AWAY!!!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Erich

    abaddon said:

    <....Bluster, buffonery, vaugness, idiotic logic, and half the time you shoot yourself in the foot!... I think my eight-year-old daughter could spot the erroneous thinking in that..>

    Thanks for your very nice compliments!
    That vocabulary does shine a light on your intellect and your human behavior!

    UGH ! AAARGH !!

    (If in future, I'd the choice to live in a system made by guys having minds like U, or guys like Bin Laden, I'd rather prefer the second one...;-((((

  • funkyderek


    Either put up or shut up. I'm aware that you're busy with your scientific work of signal quantizing, but if you're going to take part in a debate, then at least make some attempt to deal with the issues. Otherwise, just admit that you don't understand the issues at hand, and either leave it at that, or do some real research.

    Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit attrocities - Voltaire

  • Abaddon

    Was zum Teufel! Das interessiert mich einen Schiessdreck!

    Ich bin fertig mit du, du blöder Esel.


    What the hell! I couldn't give a flying f@ck!

    I am tired of you, you jackass.

    That's approximately right, I had to guess at some personal pronouns, but I'm sure you get what I mean.

    I don't speak German. But I can find out how to insult you in German in minutes, and even provide a URL so others can join in!

    You can talk all you like, but you can provide NOTHING to support your moronitude, despite the fact you could. Thus my demonstartion of how anyone can provide or find information in seconds, if that information exists. All mouth, no trousers. Big lies.

    There's a quote by Shakespeare that would fit you, but the words are too beautiful to sully in that way. Let's just say... goodbye.

    Only when you learn to play with adults will I bother replying to you, no matter how annoying you might be or how much spare time I have.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • larc

    Erich, again, puts up a post deviod of content.

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