Do You Support Jehovah's Witnesses in ANY Way???

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I support freedom of speech. I'm not convinced supporting freedom of religion is a good idea. I would consider supporting freedom from religion.

  • jaguarbass

    I havent been in a kindumb hall since 83.

    In no way do I support JW's.

    Whenever the topic comes up, I let it be known that I tink they are an evil cult.

  • sammielee24

    I don't support cults. I don't support cults that corrupt their young. I don't support cults that encourage, allow, condone, guilt, fear or otherwise use religion as a means in which people die unnecessarily aka blood. I don't support cults that encourage, guilt, punish or instill fear in their members in order to gain control aka shunning. I don't support Jehovahs Witnesses because I believe they are a cult and do all of the above - I wouldn't support the Taliban either. sammieswife.

  • orangefatcat

    Over my dead body.


  • oompa

    ya...i support my HARDCORE jw wife and kid at BETHELL.....and about 12 dub employees..........just shoot me............................oompa....i gotta get a new life

  • sweetstuff
  • no more kool aid
  • minimus

    I really don't support my JW mom, but if she asked me to give her a ride to the Memorial, I would.

  • Cheetos

    I support the idea of never going to an elders meeting again and letting those SOB's mess with my mind again with their stupid by-laws.

  • looking_glass

    Define "support" ... if you mean do I have jw friends that I don't argue religion w/ thus by acquiescence I support them in their religious beliefs ... then yes I support them. If you mean do I give them money ... no. My JW nephew is one of the few family members that keeps in touch w/ me and I love him to death. However, I don't give him money even though he is a struggling pioneer because I don't want him to think I support his position of not going to college and putting "the truth first".

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