by V 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • V

    Never be the last to leave a party, so with sincere appreciation of everything JWD has done for me personally and as an activitist I bid you farewell. This will be my last topic on JWD. (I reserve the right to post a comment here and there...) is a great success and I encourage you to visit there often to see the latest videos that will be appearing on a regular basis.

    I am also part of the ever growing association. I expect that location to become the new hub for JW information shortly.

    I am very sad that Simon decided to shutter JWD and seems to be vacant on future options. JWD had established itself as THE go-to source for information and that has unfortunately withered. Regardless, cheers to Simon for his efforts. Simon, you did more for me by providing JWD than any other single person could have done.

    I now endorse for the best discussion board. You will see me posting videos and special content there.

    This has been quite a party, I'll take one for the road and hugs for all ... er, watch the mask ... cheers!


  • BabaYaga

    Fare "V" well!!!

    *dOh!* Sorry for that awful pun... we love ya, thanks for everything... we'll see your "Visage" around, I'm sure!


  • daniel-p

    The new website looks great. Glad to see you endorse JWR- i think it's a great place, just needs more activity.

  • Dogpatch

    We look forward to a great deal more of V's video-making talents in the days ahead.

    Keep your eyes on in the next few weeks for a transformation, and keep your eye on V's site at

    We are also looking for volunteers for new projects. Skills needed are graphics, website skills, PR people, and of course, funds! :-))

    Free Minds will soon be a PORTAL.

    contact Randy at: [email protected]

  • BizzyBee

    So long, V. Thanks for all your efforts and keep up the good work!

  • OnTheWayOut
    This will be my last topic on JWD. (I reserve the right to post a comment here and there...)

    I felt the same way awhile back. Someone asked me, "Hadn't you left yet?"
    Yeah, but I come back to post some. I will miss it when it's gone.

    I am also part of the ever growing association. I expect that location to become the new hub for JW information shortly.

    I feel that it is and already has been a hub for JW information. Sure, a number of us don't
    go there that much anymore, because we already processed the information about the WTS.
    For newer ones, it's awesome. Along with, they were my favorites. I am glad
    Randy is trying some new features over there as JWD is losing those features. I think he is
    picking up Blondie's WT Comments as well as yours.

    I now endorse for the best discussion board.

    JWS, JWD, JWR- whereever the party goes. I will figure out who is where and follow.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    So when does the axe officially fall?

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks OnTheWay, you say,

    Sure, a number of us don't
    go there that much anymore, because we already processed the information about the WTS.

    That will change with it becoming a new portal.

    New content, new writers and many news events will be updated daily. Podcasts, mp3 downloads, links to all things JW, and so forth. :-))


  • slimboyfat

    All well and good Randy but I don't want anything fancy. Can't we just have JWD continue?

  • Dagney

    Thank you V for all your awesome work. I love the videos and share them with others as much as I can.

    Good luck and see you at Randy's!

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