Do You or Someone you Know - Talk in their Sleep ? Any Experiences ?

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber

    Here is a cute clip about the dangers of sleep talking !....... .. LOL


  • loosie

    I worked in tech support for 5 years. A big part of the job to configure DSL modems for the customer by giving directions over the phone.

    One night I woke my husband up by talking in my sleep. I said "In internet explorer's address bar type in, press enter. admin is the username and password.'

    LOL talk about taking your work home with you.

  • dietequiladie

    Yes, occasionally I do. Hubby cops the brunt of it. Not long after we were married I sat up bolt upright in bed and rattled off God knows what in Italian. (sounded like swearing) Not long after I dreamt I was being attacked by some guy and I was gauging his eyes out. Hubby then woke up screaming because instead of gauging someones eyes out, Hubby was experiencing the nipple cripple from hell courtesy of moi. Yes, we're still married.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I do talk in my sleep....sometimes I sceam...."607 it must be 607......1975.......urrrrrrrh.......1914 generation GONE......aaarrrrh.....their is a faith ful slave....arrrrAAAH ." .....Then I wake up in a cold sweat crying. This happens every night.

  • LouBelle

    I talk in my sleep sometimes...well that is what I've been told.

    Some experiences:

    First of all when I start falling asleep & my body starts relaxing I make all sort of sighing noises.

    When I was writing exams, my baby brother had just arrived. I was shouting in my sleep for him to shut it so I could concentrate.

    I remember once hearing laughter and I was wondering what my mates were laughing about. When I woke up later I asked them, the person I was sharing my bed with said ""no no, YOU were the one laughing"" and had continued for quite some time.

    I've asked people if they're doing okay and if there hips are fine???

    I've professed my love of cirlces and bubbles.

  • jwfacts

    I do. When we were three to a room in Bethel it used to freak out my room mates. I sometimes laugh in my sleep, and othertimes get angry and shout. I also talk, but it is an incoherent mumble, thank goodness, as my wife wakes up and hopes to get some juicy gossip out of me. I never remember any of it.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I've been known to take my husbands pulse in my sleep or ask him what his pain level is from 0 - 10


  • Leolaia

    I once had a gibberish conversation with another women while we both were sleeping in the same hotel room, according to two other girls were who sharing the room with us. We all had a great laugh about it.

  • Quirky1

    When my brother was younger he would talk and walk in his sleep. I used to get him talking just for fun. Strange conversations I might say. He once was walking in his sleep and pushed me out of the way, got into a cabinet and grabbed some Pledge and set it on the table and went back to bed. LOL

  • jaguarbass

    I work midnights in a jail.

    Every night I hear 2 or 3 inmates talk in their sleep.

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