Your STRANGEST most SHOCKING marriage, death..or event at the KH. !

by caliber 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    The elder (that was the most vocal about every body's kids) gives birth to the Antichrist that turned the lights out during the memorial and used to call 911 from the hall when he was bored. Last I heard he is a cross dresser who sends pictures of his genitals on his cell phone to little boys (he's locked up now). Another brother (again a little different, sure it has a diagnosis) who was thirty and living with his elderly parents would yell out "terrible! just terrible"if he didn't like the talk. His mom would bring him an entire bunch of bananas or a jar of peanuts to keep him quiet.

  • beksbks

    Gosh you folks are lucky!!! I was happy we had windows in our hall, and I could occasionally get the window seat, and see a dog in the parking lot

  • wozadummy

    At a KH wedding and the Groom in his vows said BEDDED instead of wedded

    At an assembly and a brother was telling me loudly about this old scruffy brother 2 rows back who was farting all the time during the sessions ,and he pointed out loudly that he must eat a lot of meat as everone could smell the fermented beast the old man was farting out!

  • Hope4Others

    Oh goodness some of these stories are down right scary!


  • Confession

    Wow... I remember that one, Questioning. Don't think I knew he was her daughter's boyfriend though. Sheesh... I do recall thinking she was an example of the quintessential pioneer elder's wife though.

  • QuestioningEverything

    She was the epitome of a perfect elder's wife! that's why we were all shocked at her DF'ing.

  • DaCheech
    his one congregation that used wireless microphones. One of the brothers had to use the bathroom and took the microphone into the bathroom with him. Within a few minutes you could hear over the loud speakers the sounds of------how should I say-------pushing and then the tell-all kerplunk into the bowl. The brother was moaning and cursing out the beans he had for dinner. Impossible to keep a straight face, even the person on the platform was dying of laughter. When he came out of the bathroom and realized what happened he went home.

    I'm near NY, and heard the same thing from a friend..... must know each other's friends somehow?

  • sweetstuff
    his one congregation that used wireless microphones. One of the brothers had to use the bathroom and took the microphone into the bathroom with him. Within a few minutes you could hear over the loud speakers the sounds of------how should I say-------pushing and then the tell-all kerplunk into the bowl. The brother was moaning and cursing out the beans he had for dinner. Impossible to keep a straight face, even the person on the platform was dying of laughter. When he came out of the bathroom and realized what happened he went home.

    ROFL, best laugh of the night by far.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    One wedding was between a couple of new converts. He was sort of shy and she was not. As the ceremony progressed we could all see his angst. when it came time to repeat the vows he was looking at the brother and saying the vows. She got really mad and screamed at him, "MIRA ME!!!" which means LOOK AT ME! in Spanish. I felt bad for this poor chump.

  • orangefatcat

    Several years ago, my father was visiting another K.H. to give the public talk, he wasn't to far into and all of a sudden he was feeling really strange, he was getting extremely weak in his legs and was sweating really bad and then my father said I think I have to sit down, one sister who was a RN ran to the front of the KH, she knew what was happening right away she said he was having a stroke, She asked one of the brothers to call 911, when the paramedics arrived they too said he was having a stroke.

    He was rushed to the hospital and admitted and a ton of test. He hated being in the hospital, but he needed to and that was that . After several days the doctors release him. Several days later we were at my sisters home for lunch. I noticed his hand began to shake really bad,, his speech was slurry, and you could tell by looking at him something was happening to him. I said to mom, I think dad is having another stroke. She said to me are you sure , I said yes mom I am sure. So my sister and mom were just to upset to take him so I said I would take him to the hospital. I said to dad. can you stand, and he stood up but was very uneasy on his feet , but we got him ready, and I held him up with my body weight and managed to get into the car. Knowing he was having a stroke I keep taking to me, so he wouldn't just drop on me. I asked him all kinds of questions. Anything to keep him talking; We finally arrived at the hospital. I got him a wheelchair and rolled him into the ER and as soon as they saw my dad they asked me what was wrong. i said I believe my father is having a stroke. They took him immediatley. About a while later my mom and sister show up, I said there is no word about dad, he has been in there since we arrived.

    A short time later the nurse calls us into his er little area and the doctor is their and he told us that my dad was still having the stroke while he arrived at the hospital, and it was fast thinking on your daughters part to get him here as fast as possible.

    So that is my tale. My dad lived for three more years and died in 1995.


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