DA on Sunday, Announced on Tuesday

by passwordprotected 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leavingwt

    Once the elders received my letter, they sent word to me that they were going to sit on the letter for one week. I assumed they held out hope that I would "snap out of it" and come crying home to Mama.

    It would seem that this period of one week was simply something they did themselves. It was not an official procedure or anything.

  • passwordprotected

    @leavingwt - exactly. As an elder I'd had no experience of dealing with a DA. The only person recently that I know who DAd put their letter in and the elders waited a week to announce.

    It's certainly not a big deal, just curious if it's customary to be so prompt at announcing. There have a been a few ripples locally, I'll keep you posted.

  • sacolton

    When I submitted my letter of disassociation, the body of elders and PO came to talk to me and try to convince me that I was making a mistake. I wasn't announced until two weeks later.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Congrats! Time to celebrate!

  • megawatt

    Good to hear. Enjoy your freedom...

  • Finally-Free

    It took them a month to announce it after I DA'd. They made the announcement in at least 3 congregations.


  • Mightyone

    I am confused, you were an elder and didn't know what the proceedure for handling a DA person was? How long were you a witness before you were appointed as an elder?

  • slimboyfat

    When LitteToe disassociated I seem to remember they talked about giving him a couple of weeks to reconsider.

    But word got out in the local community he had left the Witnesses and the offer was retracted.

    I don't think there was much chance of LittleToe reconsidering anyway somehow, then or since.

  • dozy
    I am confused, you were an elder and didn't know what the proceedure for handling a DA person was?

    An elder doesn’t get a DA case very often so they would be a bit vague on the procedures.

    Normally they do wait a week or so in case the DA letter is rescinded. Believe it or not this does happen (though not usually in “apostate” circumstances). There was a sister who would habitually write DA letters every time she fell out with the elders or other brothers and then change her mind a few days later.

    I would imagine in pps case because of his former elder status the local elders would be concerned about “endangering the spirituality of the cong” and so the announcement was made at the earliest opportunity.

  • StAnn


    You must really be perceived as a threat!

    Good for you! Keep letting your light shine!


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