Do JW's watch movies in their homes which they would not watch in theatres?

by gaiagirl 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    Heck, both my brother-in-laws (active JWs) watch porn. In fact, one of them has subscribed to a online porn website that goes beyond what is lewd and disgusting. He'll be an elder someday.

    Simple fact is this: The JWs are nothing but hypocrites. They talk the talk, but their actions are not in harmony with their teachings.

  • oompa
    oompa oh so loyal and brainwashed jw wife never has had any qualms about us going to R-rated movies......never worried about being seen or anything, and she is a freakin R-rated movie junkie at home....she hits the RedBox just about every know $1 a night is a deal.

    Her best friend is an elders wife, and they also go to the forbidden R movies.........oompa

  • sacolton

    My wife (JW) and her good friend (strict JW) are going to see Metallica next month. Wholesome entertainment that the Governing Body would approve?

  • skeeter1

    My JW dad is visiting from out of town. Last night, it was WWII Pearl Harbor that HE turned on. This morning, HE turned on a Vietnam movie that was very violent...and at 8:00 am....before HE went out in service!

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    I remember when Twin Peaks was all the rage....I freaked just at the music...still do actually...yet many were really into it despite the sex, spiritistic overtures. I used to wonder what went through their heads when we were at DC and warned about this kind of I know...wheres the zapper...I need to switch this guy off.

  • Quandary

    The first "R" rated movie I saw at the cinema, along with 5 other "spiritual" friends, was Schindler's List. Of course, we excused it as "it's history". After that, I started thinking about how many good films I had missed out on because of the insane prohibitions of the GB and decided that I would not allow their foolishness to stunt my cultural growth any longer. Ever since then I don't even look at the ratings of films, if I read the reviews and think it is something that I would enjoy, I go ahead and see it.

  • Quandary

    To add to my previous comment- After disregarding the "R" rated prohibition. I have expanded my horizons in the world of cinema to include many foreign films directed by the world's best, such as Fellini, Pasolini, Bunuel, Ingmar Bergman etc...Almost always their films are "R".

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Yes, I know my relatives that are still JWs do. They watch anything and everything available on video. I've even given them many of mine.

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