I finally said it...I don't like jw's

by kzjw 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DoomVoyager

    The difference is, she has continually misrepresented herself on this board while both annoying the piss out of everyone AND flagrantly disobeying her beloved Governing Body's command not to post on Apostate Sites. She's not a "victim", she is intentionally promulgating cultic mind poison.


    Sacolton..Sir,I believe you have corrected me!..LOL!!.......Yes,your right..My own mother tried Theocratic Warefare Stratagy with me..I caught her in a lie too!..LOL!!........Thanks Salcolton,your a good man!........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • mouthy

    I had a heart attack two weeks ago. Chris How are you now???

    Reniaa ..as you know I am the Granny on Board. I suggest you read
    " Is the WAtchtower God's Only Organization" By Peter V.Gregerson.

    Also " Coming Out of the Watchtower"

    Same Author.You can get these booklets by calling 1-800-Why-1914 Ask Marilyn to send you them unless your afraid of the Organization finding out your talking to us >>>>the Wicked ones.

    I was Disfellowshipped because I didnt believe ( still dont) that Jesus Came Invisably in 1914. So the Organization told my Daughter Annmarie & my Grand-daughter Heather I am demonized ."Have NOTHING to do with me" was their orders. And they dont....MY GOD!!!! says to Love your enemies...So we dont have the same God. Of course your Savior is Micheal Mine is JESUS CHRIST

    But I will keep you in my prayers... But your heart has to be open along with the blinded eyes You pray for God to send the Teacher the HOLY SPIRIT

    Grace Gough /Mouthy

  • mouthy

    had a heart attack two weeks ago. Chris How are you now???

    Reniaa ..as you know I am the Granny on Board. I suggest you read
    " Is the WAtchtower God's Only Organization" By Peter V.Gregerson.

    Also " Coming Out of the Watchtower"

    Same Author.You can get these booklets by calling 1-800-Why-1914 Ask Marilyn to send you them unless your afraid of the Organization finding out your talking to us >>>>the Wicked ones.

    I was Disfellowshipped because I didnt believe ( still dont) that Jesus Came Invisably in 1914. So the Organization told my Daughter Annmarie & my Grand-daughter Heather I am demonized ."Have NOTHING to do with me" was their orders. And they dont....MY GOD!!!! says to Love your enemies...So we dont have the same God. Of course your Savior is Micheal Mine is JESUS CHRIST

    But I will keep you in my prayers... But your heart has to be open along with the blinded eyes You pray for God to send the Teacher the HOLY SPIRIT

    Grace Gough /Mouthy

  • sacolton

    Thanks, mouthy! That was worth reading twice! ;)


    DoomVoyager..I agree,Reniaa is not a victim......She is Decietful,Misleading,Misdirecting,and an out and out Liar,but not a Victim......Reniaa is looking for Victims,for the JW Cult she says she does`nt belong to..Crazy Eyes..LOL!!..............................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • reniaa

    and yet i'm the only one to give advice to the poster of going to marriage councilors a third party if he's got to the point of saying 'It's Jws or me?'

    Erm guys you must know ad hominen arguements attacking me rather than what I say have no effect on me, they say more about you than they do me. lol I post as my life allows, I don't care if you believe me or not, like I said I have no reason to lie, I have never feared elders and suchlike they are just men, Whats the point of being a JW just to hide things from other people when God can see it all anyway?

    Mary I respect you answered what I said and though I don't agree with you, I do thank you for answering my words

    Like I said I only went on this thread out of concern for the posters saying they were struggling with this issue of a partner being a Jw and getting to a point of the marriage ending over it and hoping that maybe they can see that two differing faiths can be together but it takes a lot of love and not demands.


  • mrsjones5

    and yet i'm the only one to give advice to the poster of going to marriage councilors a third party if he's got to the point of saying 'It's Jws or me?'

    Erm, you must have missed when said poster did not thank you for your so-called advice and actually told you quite bluntly where to get off and then went on to thank someone else for their timely post.

    Do we as humans have a right to tell another adult what they can and cannot worship? children are brought up in their parents faith but eventually they have to make a choice as adults for themselves but you as husbands/wifes do you have the right to make a spouse give up personal belief because you don't agree with it?

    Of course not, but I do have the right to tell my wife to examine the scriptures without "bible-based" books. To use outside sources and as a black woman to stand up with strength and understand that no one can tell her what she can & cannot read. Slavery died in the late 60's (yeah I mean 1960's), I was alive then and know it when I see it. If you still have scales over your eyes & can't see around the blinders, that is your cross to bear. However, I have sat and observed this CULT destroy my wife, and it is my duty by the vows we took to try and save us by any means necessary. Now, don't you have a meeting to attend?

    On a more positive note...

    Carla, your post was huge for my day and I want you to know..

    You are appreciated!!


  • sacolton

    The only problem is that the WTBTS takes God out of the marriage by telling the active JW to have NO SPIRITUAL DISCUSSIONS with his/her spouse. My wife is an active JW and we can no longer discuss anything religious, so the organization has stripped God from my marriage.

  • reniaa

    I have to say your right mrsjones but one thing you pointed out to me on what he said made me blink

    Of course not, but I do have the right to tell my wife to examine the scriptures without "bible-based" books. To use outside sources and as a black woman to stand up with strength and understand that no one can tell her what she can & cannot read.

    you don't think he just contradicted himself in the same sentence there? surely if he thinks she has the right to stand up and have no one tell what she can and cannot read that also includes wts publications or is he making them the exception?

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