New article on methods of False Reasoning in the Watchtower

by jwfacts 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Great article. Great site.

    You've done very well at keeping the language non-inflammatory and just letting the logic stand on it's own.

    Thanks again for keeping that site going.


  • Amha·’aret

    That's a really great page on an excellent website. It's so good to be able to see it all laid out so clearly and, dare I say, logically.

    Well done!

  • V

    Apparently, any smart reader would see right through your blatant attempt to destroy the faith of true Christains as you are obviously a tool of Satan. As soon as someone sees your website they are going to doubt their belief and then likely destroy their lives with drugs or immoral sex. Jehovah's Witnesses have the only true religion because of the growth they have seen in the organisation, as much as 20% in the last Annual Report! Apostates are always twist the Truth.

    Count the fallacies... In other words, great work!

  • besty

    Good job Paul - now i know why you haven't replied to my last email :-) OR correlation is not causation....

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I love your site. The only suggestion I have is to attempt to replace some of the 1970-early 1980 quotes with newer ones. You know how JWs love to say that arguments refer to "old light". By the way, I can't begin to tell you how much your site helped me wake up. I am eternally grateful!

  • still_in74


  • DocBob

    Nice job. Have you thought about doing a book on this?

  • TrekkerJW

    Great site, jwfacts! Now I need to figure out how to talk my family into checking it out...

  • jwfacts

    Thanks for all the nice or witty comments and also suggestions.

    DocBob, I have considered a book, in fact I have created 3 versions: long, medium and short. However, I am not sure of the best layout and also am not totally happy with all the information. At least with the Internet I can keep amending it and keeping the information up to date. I have a friend is proof reading the short 250 page book and I may offer it through the site by using a print-on-demand printer.

    Besty, don't worry I am not ignoring you and will be in touch.

    DoubtingBro, good suggestion about the older comments. I have found that pre 80's the Watchtower presented information in a lot more dogmatic format. Though the basis message has not changed, the writers are more careful to present information in vaguer terms. It makes it very difficult. For instance, a sentence may say something"only true Christians have the unrestricted privilege of prayer". A JW knows this means only JWs, but it is not what is specifically stated.

  • Tatiana

    This is wonderful! Very well put together. I know exactly who I'm going to send the link to!

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