by Seeker4 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • ItsJustMe

    What about the tapes?

  • RR

    I myself have been fortunate that my subscriptions still comes in the mail. Ten years after I left. However, I've noticed something new this past year. When subscriptions expired, your Watchtower/Awake! magazine came with the subscription renewal notice, you filled it out aqnd sent it in with the wrappers.

    This year, as I was nearing the end of my subscription, the wrapper in red ink sinmply stated "4 more issues" and counting. But no wrapper was inserted.

    I renewed twice, from a Witness women I know, and sending the wrappers with my ten dollar donation. I know the socity received my renewal, because they sent me a thank you letter. However when I received my subscription, they only renewed it for six months as oppose to the yearly subscription I enjoyed for some twenty years.

    My subscription is expiring again, and only time will tell if they'll renew.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • LDH

    RR that's a hoot. They nenewed, but only for six months.

    I would have written and told them the ten dollars was for a YEAR subscription. (you know I would have)

    Anyhow, with all the junk mail people get nowadays, I wonder do they think anyone will take the time to write and inquire as to the whereabouts of their 'food at the proper time.'

    I have another name for it--Mystery meat.


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