Very Embarrassing & Funny JW memory!

by Ranchette 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ranchette

    I was so clueless when it came to Christmas traditions for two reasons.

    1.Raised as a witness therefore never experienced it.
    2.Grew up in country or rural areas and they didn’t practice all the traditions.

    Ok, so I grow up and eventually find myself living in a large city for the first time in my life.
    This makes me sound like a total hick but bear with me and you will see where this is going.

    One winter evening I am peacefully watching TV and spending time with my little JW family downstairs and the doorbell rings.
    “I say it’s dark who could that be?” Then I go upstairs and open the front door.

    There were at least 20 people standing on my front lawn!
    I am shocked and confused then it registers they are singing Christmas Carols!!!
    It was Christmas Eve and I didn't know it,you know us JWs, we don’t keep up with the (worldly) calendar!

    Anyway as soon as this registered in my brain I freaked out and slammed the door!
    I was panicked! What in the world was I supposed to do?

    They never taught me how to handle that senario.

    Well, I pulled myself together in a few seconds realizing I had done a very rude thing even though I didn’t mean to.

    I didn’t know what I was going to do or say but I had to reopen the door.
    Slowly I open the door and I see all these shocked faces.
    I bet mine was more shocked though.
    Anyway as soon as I get the door open this little kid on my front porch hollers “YOUR NOT GETTING ANY COOKIES!!”

    I was mortified and slammed the door again and then locked the door behind me.
    I then go back to the living room and my husband says, “What in the world is going on?”
    I had to explain how I just made a complete fool of myself.
    Of course he had great fun laughing at me.
    We were nervous about how the neighbors would treat us after that.


  • VeniceIT

    OHHH hahha I never thought about that either don't know what I would have done. That's too funny!!!!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • Mulan

    Great story. I didn't know they did caroling anywhere, anymore.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Ranchette

    This happened around 1993 or 94.
    In the NW US.


  • Kristen

    Wow—what a memorable experience!

    Those poor carolers...


  • Satanus


    That's a really interesting story. I totally understand the embarassment. At this time, I would rather have carollers at front door than.....practically anybody. It would be really coool.


  • TR

    LOL, Ranch!

    I had carolers come to my door when I was a 'hovah once. I opened the door, they started singing, and I interrupted and said, "I don't do Christmas" and shut the door. The next thing I know, sowballs are hitting my door! I went outside and lectured them on being poor examples of Christians, then went back in. At least no more snowballs hit the door.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Ranchette

    Every time I think of this experience it cracks me up!
    It could be a scene in a movie right along with TRs experience.

    I am still ignorant about alot of this so I have a question.

    Are Christmas Carollers there for your entertainment only or are they usually doing a fund raiser?
    Is it customary to give them something or do you just say,
    "that was beautiful,Thank you?"

    Saint Satan,
    I agree,
    I would love to have them come sing for us now.


  • Farkel

    : Are Christmas Carollers there for your entertainment only or are they usually doing a fund raiser?
    : Is it customary to give them something or do you just say,
    "that was beautiful,Thank you?"

    I've had both types visit my door. For a number of years I participated in the "Holiday Project." A group of a hundred or so of us would meet and visit hospitals and rest homes, sing Christmas carols and pass out small presents to the old and sick. We absolutely did NOT ask for any donations. We were there to give not receive, but in fact I received far more joy than I can relate from participating.

    One year our group visited a floor on the hospital that was the dead end for patients. The patients there would never leave the hospital alive. Four of us went up to one old lady who could not move a muscle. She laid motionless on her back with her eyes unblinkingly gazing at the ceiling. During the second song we noticed tears running down both sides of her face, but she still remained without expression. Several of us had to leave the room to cry. I was one of them.

    It's too bad dubs sacrifice their lives for nothing when they could have the wonderful pleasure of experiences such as the one I just mentioned.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."


    Good story Ranchette,I love listening to Christmas Carolers,it`s so festive!...OUTLAW

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