Is The WT Society Getting Financially Desperate ? Nov.15th WT Your Take ?

by flipper 44 Replies latest jw friends


    Flipper..This is nothing new..It`s been going on,for as long as I can remember...................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • carla

    You know the scary thing for ubm's? they have the jw sign the blood card and never tell the ubm, they have clandestine meetings with the soon to be convert and instruct them to lie about it, they very well could tell them to sign over all their belongings and the ubm would never know until the elders came to collect! Heck they could even take out additional life insurance policies with the wt as the benificiaries and the ubm wouldn't know either. (you can do that right? have multiple life insurance policies on a person? is that legal?) Some days I really hate the wt more than others. They are so unethical, along with all their other numerous faults.

    If an outsider were to look at the annual Nov issue it would not look too bad, but to the cult member they know what it really means: 'if you are really spiritual you would do these things'.

  • flipper

    OTWO- You are right ! The WTS uses guilt also in making rank and file members feel they should cover deficits at conventions. And yep- " we ain't getting the magazines free anymore " so make sure you donate ! And oh yes, pretending to get money for disaster relief when it gets used for other things ! Ridiculous.

    DAWG- This organization would steal the clothes right off of people if it could. They are completely abhorrent !

    SIR 82 - They gotta have a tax benefit I guess !

    OUTLAW- Pretty sick organization to be doing this year after year after year. Sickos.

    CARLA- I can only imagine the fear you feel being married to a JW and realizing all the clandestine things that go on behind your back. Like you mentioned the elders signing your husband's blood card . Who knows what other financial shenanigans the WT society will try to pull on these witness clones before they are through ? ! Hope you get your husband out in time ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • dinah

    Carla, I never thought of that aspect of it. I have heard of df'd children of JW's being left with nothing when their parents die because everything was willed to the WT.

    I would think an "injured spouse" would have rights.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I think it's interesting that they decided to put it in the Kool-Aid edition just for the dubs. The local congregation has received sizable amounts from the wills of "interested people". Dubs have very little to give. I would have thought they would have tried to get some $cratch from everybody, not just the dubs.

    From The NEW New World Translation:

    (Matthew 19:21) 21 Jesus said to him: "If you want to be perfect, go sell your belongings and give to the poor make the check payable to "Watch Tower Corporation of Pennsylvania" and you will have treasure in heaven, and come be my follower."

    B the X

  • caliber
    For over 20 years, the WTS has had this type of article either in November or December

    I too was unaware of the annual money guilt drive (giving to Jehovah .... you'll be bless in return thing !)

    Whatever happened to the " good old days " when Russell made the statement years ago that , " if we had to beg materially or petition people for money to keep advancing the preaching work then we know God's spirit is not with us"? I remember being told that as a youth growing up in the organization.

    The above statement though surely applies.... how often are the churches condemned for collection plates ? At least

    they are only two-bitting you to death ; they don't require you to rob from your children's future (wills, land, stocks)

    The old double standard is alive and well !


  • flipper

    DINAH- I really believe that the witnesses believe that " worldly " spouses have no rights. This witness cult has no respect for outside members whatsoever. They only value their own.

    BILLY the EX- BETHELITE- Exactly. Good point. I feel the Watchtower society goes after their own people's money because they are already trapped under the spell of " cult mind control" by the governing body . They are more easily duped into giving ! The GB doesn't have the " worldly " people under control yet who they talk to door to door.

    CALIBER- Very true what you say. The witnesses always condemn other churches for passing the collection plates but the witnesses do have double and triple standards ! As you say - they steal their children's future ! Well put. They take their retirement, inheritances , possible college tuition and donate it to a cult inspired magazine printing company ! It's disgusting. Freaks. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • still-fading

    Sorry, didn't read it. But it sounds like same ole' same ole'.

  • flipper

    StILL FADING- Same ol, same ol, yes. But knowing the adverse financial conditions the WT is going through I find it curious they appeal to the rank and file in the " witness only " magazine . Betcha this ain't posted in the service issue they deliver at doors ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Tuesday
    3. Stocks and Bonds - " Stocks and bonds may be donated to WTBS of Pennsylvania as an outright gift.

    They want stocks and bonds....sure I can think of a few of mine I'd like to get rid of right now.

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