Holiday questions

by searchingforfriends 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • searchingforfriends

    Thanks everyone for your input. All of this seems like such a stretch to me... lol I even have looked online to find origins of these holidays and have found very little that is actually "pagan"... So it makes me wonder where they get this stuff? And as it has already been pointed out, almost everything has a pagan origin if you look hard enough, so what gives them the right to decide which things ppl can or cannot do?!

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I have long suspected that the excuses the WT comes up with for not celebrating holidays is just a cover up for their real reasons. Not celebrating holidays would accomplish a couple of desirable goals for cults like the WT. For most extended families holidays are the main times they get together, especially for those who live out of town. Not celebrating holidays means that people will spend considerably less time with their "worldly" family. Celebrating these rituals together, with their various family traditions, gives many people their sense of family identity and connectedness to each other. Holidays and cultural celebrations give people a sense of identity and belonging within their communities and societies as well. One of the goals of a cult is to break down family ties and any sense of identification outside of the cult. The WT wants their followers to be totally identified with them. Their country, culture and even family must all take a back seat.

  • Junction-Guy

    Good answer Mrs.Fiorini

  • searchingforfriends

    Mrs.Fiorini I couldn't have said it better myself.....

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